  • 學位論文


A Study of High Growth Expectations of Entrepreneurship in China

指導教授 : 莊錦賜


摘 要 創業為促進經濟成長與活絡市場的有效途徑之一,全球各國政府皆重視創業各種議題,尤以中國將在國際舞台是擁有驚人經濟成長力量的國家,因此本研究將探討中國影響創業家高成長期待因素。以全球創業觀察(Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, GEM)中國2002年到2009年成人人口調查(Adult PopulationSurvey,APS)資料進行分析,主要以卡方分析及二元邏輯式迴歸探討中國創業家的創業動機(機會型、需求型),創業家的特徵(性別、年齡、教育程度、家戶收入)、創業抱負(創新程度、國際化程度),創業態度(恐懼失敗、認知創業機會、認知創業能力)、創業環境(產業型態)等因素對創業高成長期待的影響程度。結果發現教育程度對創業驅動工作機會影響最大,其次是產業型態、國際化程度、創業動機、認知創業機會。本研究成果將有助於辨識亞洲地區主要經濟體中國,具有高成長期待創業家群體的特徵,並自理論與實務觀點,做為台灣政府與學界催生高成長新創企業的政策與研究參考。


ABSTRACT All of the countries in the world put great emphasis on entrepreneurship because it is one of the efficient way to promote economic growth and expand business market. This research is to study the growth expectation of entrepreneurship in China. Based on the adult population survey done by GEM from the year of 2002 to 2009, data is collected and analyzed, by using Chi-Square Test and Binary Logistic Regression methods, to discuss how entrepreneurs' motives, characteristics, aspiration, attitudes, and entrepreneurial environment influence their growth expectation. The results show that educational background affects their growth expectation the most, followed by industry type, internationalization, motives and perceptual opportunities. This study helps to identify the characteristics of high growth expectation entrepreneurs in China and concludes the suggestions of how to incubate nascent entrepreneurs for policy makers in Taiwan.


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