  • 學位論文


The study of interactive system in interactive art

指導教授 : 巫俊采


因現代科技產品日新月異,「藝術」呈現已經不再單純只是普通畫作、雕塑等單向的意念傳達。現代藝術家漸漸把想法、靈感,運用科技產品來呈現,互動藝術正是此科技創作的代表。但因互動藝術領域在國內目前並不普及,很多人對於此領域更是陌生。以剛踏入此領域或剛接觸其他相關領域初學者,往往對於作品創作很困擾。更遑論如何尋找靈感來源或創作方向。因此藉由作品個案分析,分析國內外知名作品,提出相關的素材,作為訪談依據。深度訪談兩位互動藝術家,了解其學習背景及目前互動藝術現況、未來趨勢等。作品分析結果發現,目前作品較缺乏可與使用者即時互動,參與人數也不多。因此在作品方面,想藉由無線Wi-Fi的方式,達到群體互動。 而在本研究創作當中,無線觸控DJ、行動無線畫板作品皆使用Wi-Fi作為主要傳輸架構。可以依照設備硬體效能同時支援多人傳輸訊息,即時互動。另外透過訪談之啟發,在My Small World創作,是以使用者為主要軸心,除了置入Wi-Fi,達到多人的互動外,也置入了自製觸摸介面,藉由人體表面的水分,來傳遞訊號,控制水族箱周邊的LED燈條,改變裡面生態環境,以影射現代人的生活環境,可藉由周遭的人、事、物多種方式來改變。 希冀透過本研究,瞭解互動藝術家人格特質、互動藝術觀點與就業觀點,並啟發剛踏入互動藝術領域或相關領域初學者,靈感發掘與創意產生的關鍵點,和初步的學習方向與後續之互動創作。


Because modern technology products are changing constantly, art is not simply a kind of painting, sculpture or any other one-way ideas to people. Modern artists gradually use technology products to express their ideas and inspiration. Interactive art exactly represents this kind of technology creation. But in the country, interactive art is not popular at present. Many people are not familiar to this area. To create a piece of work is difficult to the one who just enter this area or other related fields, not to speak of the source of inspiration or creative direction. In regard to short of the creative form of current interactive works by multiple people’s prompt interactive creation, so through wireless Wi-Fi way can reach group interaction. In this study, the creation of "Wireless Touch DJ", "mobile wireless board" is the use of Wi-Fi as the primary transport architecture. It can simultaneously support multiplayer transmission information in accordance with the device hardware to reach real-time interaction. In addition, we inspired from interviews, insert a homemade touch interface, with body surface’s water to pass signals to control LED light strip around the aquarium, which changed the ecological environment. I hope through this way, alluding to the living environment can achieve the effect of changing in the living environment by people and things around our surroundings. And in the part of My Small World, is based on the user, alluding to the modern living environment. It can be changed through many ways, of course, the insertion of Wi-Fi reach interactive multiplayer. Hope to through this study understands the personality of interactive artist, views of interactive art and employment, and provides the direction of the preliminary learning to the one who just enter interactive art area or the preliminary learner of the other related fields, and inspire beginner's later interactive creation.


Bauder,Christopher. (2009). 多邊形遊樂場.
Gallery﹐Art. (2008). Oasis.
