  • 學位論文


Discussion On The Legal System of Human Organ Transplantation

指導教授 : 黃承啟


器官移植醫療是一個極為複雜、重要且具挑戰性的領域,由於移植醫學科技發展迅速,人體器官移植的成功率已大幅提升,器官移植挽救了許多器官衰竭病患的生命,也拯救了無數即將崩潰的家庭。按人體器官移植條例第1條規定,「為恢復人體器官之功能或挽救生命,使醫師得摘取屍體或他人之器官施行移植手術,特制定本條例」,其宗旨乃係為了挽救更多器官衰竭病患的生命,而非為了杜絕器官買賣、旅遊移植等遊走於法律邊緣的器官移植漏洞來制定本條例,故在訂定相關器官移植之法規範時,實不宜過度違背或反向解釋此宗旨,以維護等待移植器官病患的之權益。 然而,因器官來源嚴重不足,供需無法達到平衡,限縮了許多等待器官移植病患的生存機會,以腎臟移植為例,每年腎臟捐贈數量平均約200例左右,而等待腎臟移植者截至目前為止卻高達有8千200多人,且仍逐年增加中,由於供不應求,黑市器官交易及詐騙摘取器官之事件層出不窮,導致國家社會動盪不安,當務之急,為提升生命的延續及避免不法器官事件之發生,增加器官捐贈來源是首要要件,除了逐漸推行屍體捐贈之勸募機制以外,活體捐贈在法令制度配套上之完整性亦是不容忽視,於此,本文將針對人體器官移植條例與衍生之相關法令規定進行說明與分析,並引用人體器官移植之司法實務及臨床現況,包括愛滋器官移植事件及大學講師陳教授移植事件等,進而提出相關的建議與策略以供參酌,期有利於提升移植器官之來源,及俾利器官移植相關法令之修正。


Organ transplantation is an extremely complex, important and challenging field. Due to the rapid development of transplant medicine technology, the success rate of human organ transplantation has been greatly improved. Organ transplants have saved the lives of many failing diseases and countless families that are about to collapse. These Regulations are formulated in accordance with Artcile 1 of the Regulations on The Transplantation of human organs, ‘’in order to restore the function of human organs or save lives and enable physicians to perform the transplantation of organs from cadavers or other persons’’. It was designed to save the lives of more patients with organ failure, not to eliminate loopholes in organ transplants,such as organ trading and tourism, which are teetering on the edge of the law. Therefore, when formulating the legal norms for organ transplantation, it is not appropriate to excessively violate or reverse explain this purpose in order to safeguard the rights and interests of patients waiting for transplant organs. However, due to the lack of stress in the source of organs, supply and demand cannot be balanced, and many survival chances for patients waiting for organ transplants are limited, taking kidney transplantation as an example, the average number of kidney donations is about 200 every year, while the number of kidney donors so far has reached more than 8,200, and the number is still increasing year by year. The black market organ trade and the fraud of organ harvesting have been rampant, leading to social unrest in the country. In order to improve the continuation of life and avoid the occurrence of illegal organ incidents, increasing the source of organ donation is the first requirement. In addition to gradually implementing the fundraising mechanism of corpse donation, the integrity of living donation in the legal system cannot be ignored. This paper will explain and analyze the relevant laws and regulations of human organ transplantation regulations and derivatives, and cite the judicial practice and clinical status of human organ transplantation, including the AIDS organ transplantation event and the university lecturer Professor Chen transplantation event. In addition, relevant suggestions and strategies are put forward to improve the source of organ transplantation and amend the relevant laws of organ transplantation.


2.大衛.麥塔斯(David Matas),托斯坦.特瑞(Torsten Trey),國家掠奪器官:器官移植在中國被濫用的黑幕,2012年。
