  • 學位論文


A Dramaturgical Analysis of the Brand Positioning and Creative Management Strategy of the Chio-Tian Folk Drums and Arts Troupe

指導教授 : 周少凱


本論文研製之「以劇場理論探討九天民俗技藝團品牌定位與創意經營策略」論文,採用文獻探討、紮根理論、深度訪談等研究方式與技術,藉此瞭解發展創新表演形態的轉變過程,分析九天民俗技藝團塑造出的團體特色,與創意經營策略,提供傳統藝陣團體做為轉型及發展的依據,由研究結果得知九天民俗技藝團之劇場組成要素透過「導演」、「觀眾」、「演員」、「場景」及「不協調角色」描述服務接觸過程,進而建立品牌定位。 其次,由分析中發現,目前九天的品牌定位如:「品牌識別」、「目標視聽眾」、「積極、主動地溝通」、「創造競爭優勢」,鮮明且正向的品牌定位,能夠協助九天,在陣頭表演的推廣及民俗文化的傳承。其次,其品牌定位的創造,更延申到舞台下、社會、公益及青少年輔導的各種活動,型塑出完整且正向積極圓夢的另類陣頭文化之品牌精神。 就發展方向來說,未來在「行銷規劃」方面,應為其發展之首要任務,基此,本文透過瞭解九天民俗技藝團之優勢、劣勢、機會與威脅等四面向找出適合其發展之常態性策略,依據研究結果發現,發展週邊特色產品,提高經濟價值、藉由表演活動,增加與粉絲互動度,拓展海外市場、增加忠實粉絲之黏著度,藉由網路社群經營,及網路口碑經營,以提升九天整體品牌之廣度,提升九天品牌曝光及形象之塑造。


This thesis, “A Dramaturgical Analysis of the Brand Positioning and Creative Management Strategy of the Chio-Tian Folk Drums and Arts Troupe”, adopts methods and techniques such as literature review, grounded theory, and in-depth interview, in order to investigate if the transformation process of innovation performance patterns. Analysis group features and business strategy of Chio-Tian Folk and Art Troupe. It from the results that through the "director", "audience", "actor", "scene" and "uncoordinated role" to describe the service contact process, and establishing brand positioning. The research outcome shows that Brand positioning such as: "Brand Identity", "Target Public Viewing", "Actively take the Initiative to Communicate," "create a competitive advantage." Positive brand positioning, can help to promote cultural heritage and folklore troupes performing. In terms of the development direction, that the "Marketing planning" aspect, it should be an important task for the development of future. In this study, through the advantages, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, to identify development strategies. According to study results showed that the development of peripheral specialty products, improve the economic value, performances, increased interaction with fans, expand overseas markets, increasing the degree of adhesion of the loyal fans, by the Internet community, and web reputation to enhance the breadth of brand enhance brand exposure and image-building.


方世榮(譯)(民95)。行銷管理學(Marketing Management )otler. (2006).。台北:東華書局。(原作出版年﹕2003 年)。
