  • 學位論文


An Information System of Learning Outcome Assessment-A Case Study of Department of Information Management

指導教授 : 林甘敏


隨著高等教育的普及與快速發展,產生學生素質下降、教育品質受質疑等問題。近年來因大環境的轉變,導致失業率攀升,使得高等教育畢業生就業受到嚴厲的考驗,因此如何提升學校教學品質及學生的就業力成為各界重視的議題。主管機關教育部也訂定出許多評鑑機制,來督促學校單位進行加強與改善。目前世界高等教育評鑑走向以學生學習成果為中心的評鑑方式,但由於各校發展方向及其培育目標不盡相同,學習成果也很多元,如何訂定一套客觀有效的評鑑方法,且有助於學校發掘問題以擬訂改善的方案,是教育相關單位急需思考的課題。近年來,學校的e化蔚為風潮,而如何透過資訊系統來幫助學校系所自我評鑑找出問題,是未來努力的目標。 因此,本研究以學生的學習成果作為評鑑之標的,並以學生的就業力及專業能力為指標,開發一資訊系統以協助學校系所進行自我評鑑。透過本資訊系統除了可以評估系所培育成果並檢視課程規劃發展方向與實施結果是否相符外,亦可協助學校主管發現潛藏的問題進而擬訂改善方案,促使學校系所能更有效率的達成其培育目標,學習者亦能達到學以致用的目的。


With the rapid development and popularity of higher education, students’ quality drops and the education quality is a question. Recently, the effect of changes in the global environment causes the unemployment rate to increase. Therefore, how to improve the teaching quality and students’ employable abilities becomes an important issue. The ministry of education also has arranged many assessment mechanisms for supervising schools’ improvements. Now, the assessment of higher education focuses on the learner-centered outcomes assessment methods. But due to the directions of development and cultivation of schools are different, students have the diversity of the learning outcomes in the different schools. The urgent issues of the related education units are to find an objective and effective assessment method and to discover problems of schools. Electronic schools are a trend recently, how to use the information system to help schools assess themselves and identify problems is an aim for future efforts. Therefore, students’ learning outcomes are the object of assessments and students’ employable and professional capacity are the indexes in this study. The purpose of this research is to develop an information system for schools’ self-assessment. The information system can evaluate the students’ learning outcomes and compare the differences between the direction of planning curriculums and the implementation. The system can also help directors find potential problems and make improvements in the schools. Hope to help the schools effectively accomplish their cultivation goals and their students put what they have learned into practice.


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