  • 學位論文


The case study of enterprise diagnostic by visual diagnosis

指導教授 : 周少凱


近年來,全球經營大環境瞬息萬變,中小企業欲生存越顯艱鉅,如何覓得高效能諮詢專家協助把脈、訂出良策,使體質獲得改善。是本研究以企業診斷為研究主軸動機之一。 一般企業診斷模式,在於資料蒐集、詢問調查、分析等技巧,再依專家個人之功力,找出問題並提出因應對策,但諸多企業對診斷報告的滿意度均約在70%以內,乃因諮詢過程中並未探討人的態度與特質所致,此為本研究動機之二。 本研究針對六個中小企業個案,分別進行一般診斷及望診診斷後,並以企業的規模大小與經營類型提出一對一的分析比較,進行描述、探討、解釋、及成效分析以力求本研究之效度與可靠性。 當一般診斷及望診診斷之報告書完成,諮詢專家與六家企業分別進行診斷成果報告後,經過六家企業滿意度調查,並與二家望診企業之經營者訪談,分析比較、研究後得到如下結論: 針對企業滿意度、達到企業委託需求、日後再委託診斷意願三項調查,資料回饋之分析顯示,望診診斷之有效性與可靠度都遠比一般診斷來得高。


一般診斷 望診 識人學 目視管理


In recent years, the rapidly changing global business environment, medium and small businesses want to survive the more significant challenge. To help enterprises how to find a high-performance consultant to diagnose, so help work out good policies and improve themselves to be better than before. The first one of the motivations for the study purpose is diagnosis of the enterprises. General business diagnostic mode is to collect data, interview survey, analysis techniques etc. And then according to the skill of individual experts, to identify problems and propose coping strategies, but many companies report satisfaction with the diagnosis were less than about 70%, was due to consulting of course not due to people's attitudes and characteristics. The second one of the motivations for the study purpose is diagnosis of the enterprises. In this study, chose six medium and small business cases for general diagnosis and visual diagnosis . To classify the enterprise sizes and business types for analyzing and comparing to each one. Then describe, explore, explain, and effectiveness of the analysis to seek this study validity and reliability. When the general diagnosis and visual diagnosis report were finished, consulting experts reported to six companies for diagnostic results. After six enterprises satisfaction were surveyed and consulted with the two company CEO of interviews. To analyze and compare data from survey, as following conclusions: To survey three factors: (1) business satisfaction, (2) reach demand by enterprises, (3) diagnostic willing. From data analysis indicating, the effectiveness and reliability of visual diagnostic clinics have more high than the general diagnostic.


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3. 管理學群http://cba.ccut.edu.tw/content/%E4%B8%AD%E5%B0%8F%E4%BC%81%E6%A5%AD%E8%A8%BA%E6%96%B7%E8%88%87%E8%A1%8C%E9%8A%B7%E4%B8%AD%E5%BF%83
4. 中衛菁英學院,http://www.wddseo.com/training/index.php。
