  • 學位論文


The study of the influence of road surveillance recording system for random crime detection rate-Nantun District of Taichung City as an example

指導教授 : 周少凱


道路監視錄影系統是否能夠協助改善現今社會的犯罪問題?而刑案偵辦及車禍肇事之釐清,是否可藉由道路監視錄影系統之紀錄,以偵破或釐清肇事責任進而還原事實真相。台中市政府警察局逐年佈建形成電子城牆的道路監視錄影系統,這幾年來屢見成效,也曾因此遏止重大刑案的發生。但建置經費是否充足等疑問,為本研究之主要動機。 本研究以深入訪談法,訪談回饋地區里長及當地警政人員,針對地方回饋經費,以地方治安為重,所建置一定之比例的道路監視錄影系統,對治安防治成效之影響;以及未來該如何建置整合型系統為題深入探討。並以文獻分析法探討相關次級資料,以分析當前道路監視錄影系統之建置。 研究發現,受訪者均認同,道路監視錄影系統協助破獲之刑事案件,以及車禍肇事釐清事故責任之成效,也由次級資料中獲得支持。本研究提出建議如下: (一) 道路監視錄影系統之建置,應優先考量地方里長之建議,並由警察局之專業 人士現場共同會勘後,而決定建置之地點。 (二) 逐年編列固定之預算,裝設道路監視錄影系統,彌補治安死角,進而降低犯罪率。


Road surveillance recording systems whether that can help improve our society's crime problem to reduce or not. And criminal cases and traffic accidents are investigated the accident to clarify whether the systems can be monitored by video recording system records or clarifying the responsibility to detect and then restore the truth or not. Taichung City Police Department deployment of electronics recording system year after year and create to monitor wall's systems. It repeatedly over the years paid off, did so to curb the incidence of major criminal cases. However, the adequacy of funding to build such questions, that is the main goal of this study. To use in-depth interviews to survey region chief men and local police officers for road surveillance recording systems. To know the systems are impacted on the effectiveness of security control. The purpose is to know how to build the integrated systems for future. Using document analysis method to analyze secondary data and investigate the current road surveillance system for developing. The result, that respondents agree that road surveillance system to assist cracked road of criminal cases, and to clarify responsibility for effectiveness of the accident by car. It was supported by the secondary data. This study proposes as following recommendations: (1) The locations of road surveillance recording system, which shall consider priority by the proposal of the local region chief men and invite professional police to survey together before decision building sites. (2)To compile an annual fixed budget, to build the installation of road surveillance recording system, and to reduce security vulnerabilities, thereby reducing the crime rate.


1. 八年施政-警政篇(2002-2009)警政署出版
2. 內政部警政署 http://www.npa.gov.tw/NPAGip/wSite/mp?mp=1
3. 內政部「台灣健康社區六星計畫」專屬網站 http://www.moi.gov.tw/6stars/
4. 行政院環境保護署 http://www.epa.gov.tw/


