  • 學位論文


A Study of House Transaction Price in Taichung

指導教授 : 莊錦賜


從國內有關房地產價格分析的文獻中發現,多以特徵價格(Hedonic Price)理論來探討。由於特徵價格是透過效用理論,所以應用在房地產方面很難真實的反應出影響房價的因素,因此本研究使用數量化I 類理論來建立以個體影響因素為主的整體市場之房價模型,及利用數量化I 類理論建立的次級市場,來探究影響台中地區大樓房價的因素。資料來源為內政部不動產買賣實價登錄批次資料庫,蒐集了民國103年4月至民國104年3月間台中地區大樓成交資料並加以整理後共有11,773筆資料。研究結果發現台中地區房價每坪單價為17.1萬元,屯區的每坪單價比平均價高,其他區域的每坪單價都比平均價低,交易量的分布也是以屯區為最活躍;而影響台中地區大樓房價主要因素為房子的屋齡、區位、建物面積;本研究分別針對區域、屋齡、地上樓層、所在樓層、面積,及使用型態建立次市場之數量化一類模型,可以做為未來想要進行深入探討研究的參考。


From the literature we found in domestic real estate price analysis mostly using hedonic price theory to explore. Because the hedonic price is derived from utility theory, the application in real estate is difficult to reflect the real factors that affect the price .So use the registering actual prices of property transactions batch database, collect Taichung housing transaction records and be cleaned from April 2014 to March 2015,we have a total of 11,773 samples. Using First Method of Quantification to establish the overall market housing price model dominated by individual factors. The results found that house prices Taichung priced at 171,000 yuan per ping, the unit price per ping in Tuen District higher than the average prices, the unit price per ping in other regions lower than the average prices, and trading volume is also the most active in Tuen District. While the main factors that affect the Taichung house price are house age, location, building area. I also built the real estate price models of Taichung , especially focus on location, age of the house, numbers of floors, which floor house is on, size of the house, and purpose of usage. All the information provided are for the reference of anyone who is pursuing further research in this area.


李泓見、張金鶚、花敬群(2006)。台北都會區不同住宅類型價差之研究。台灣土地研究,9(1) ,63-87
