  • 學位論文

論行政營利行為之界限- 以中華郵政包裹業務與民間貨運業競爭為中心

Limitation of the Power of the Government Enterprise- Focusing Chunghwa Post Co.,Ltd Compete with Privately Operated Transport Company on Parcel Business

指導教授 : 陳依文


因為國家經濟行為範圍實在太大,除本論文所要探究之郵政所經營與民間貨運會產生競爭關係外,至少就有銀行業的存款業務、壽險業的人身保險及儲蓄保險等。 因此須先就行政法學中私經濟行為加以分類,再就其中之行政營利行為之憲法層次,探討其容許性及界限,接著就行政營利行為與人民基本權之關係探討。 行政營利行為有可能涉及到公平交易法規範之適用,此時應探討其範圍及界線,再來運用法律之經濟分析探究現行制度是否具有效率或是經法律經濟分析後會影響現行國家經濟行為之取向,其後就貨運業及郵政之現行法規範探討並比較他國之規定,最後就現行貨運業對中華郵政之行政爭訟案例及公平交易委員會之處分案例分析,綜合以上論述作成結論與建議,探討現行制度之妥適性、司法再救濟、行政手段制約及立法解決之道。


ABSTRACT Considering the large scope of national economy on postal system. This thesis not only focuses on the transportation competition in between postal system and private running companies but also the banking business on deposit, insurance business on life policies and saving insurance policies. Therefore, this thesis will firstly categorize the private economic behaviors on institutional Administrative Law and study the acceptance and boundary on profitable behaviors of public sector on Constitutional Law level. Especially on the analyses between the profitable behaviors of public sector and basic right of people, furthermore analyses of profitable behaviors of public sector on the application under the regulations of Fair Trade Act . After analyzing these factors, the acceptance and boundaries will be well defined. Applications of current legal system on economic behaviors might affect the efficiency and effectiveness on national economy. Current legal system on running transportation through postal system will be discussed and compared with the examples of other countries. This thesis will analyze the real cases on the legal disputes between transportation industry and Chunghwa Post Co., Ltd. and the consequences from Fair Trade Commission. The legal feasibility and legal solutions of current legal system will be explored in the final conclusion and suggestions.



(二)林紀東,中華民國憲法逐條釋義(四) ,三民書局,1990年五版。
(三)吳 庚,行政法之理論與實用,三民書局,2010年十一版。


