  • 學位論文


The application of data mining techniques to the partition and evaluation of firefighter expertize

指導教授 : 黃光宇


近幾年來,世界各地的地震、飢荒、瘟疫、水災、旱災等災難接連不斷、頻繁發生,而且救災難度越來越大且越頻繁。例如,台灣這兩年發生了復興航空空難、八仙塵爆、維冠大樓倒塌等災難。其次,由於台灣人口增加,以及都市化及人口密集等現象,使得消防救災更加困難。因此,為了提升消防人員的戰力,本研究提出離散化技術,用來分析消防人員、消防分隊及消防大隊的勤務數據,作為決策依據。此研究使用了兩種方法,第一種研究方法結合了改良型PBMF 指標函數、模糊分群方法(Fuzzy C-means ,FCM),對消防人員之各項勤務(資料屬性)加以離散化,獲得每項勤務(每個屬性)的分群群數,得以處理較複雜的勤務(屬性)間的資料集;第二種研究方法是利用資料包絡分析與灰關聯分析,分析不同單位之間的績效,作為評核消防分隊、大隊各單位的優劣。 此研究利用不同方法分析的結果來探討每位消防人員、分隊、大隊各項勤務數據,作為未來消防局長官對於基層勤務的分配與人員調動考量的依據。其中分析數據的結果顯示:消防人員對於不擅長的消防勤務必須多加學習,對於精專的項目則是可以被委以擔任消防局局內教官,教導其他消防隊員,而消防各分隊、大隊之間所分析出來的績效值可比較出各大隊分隊的高低優劣,以利績效值低的單位向績效值高的單位學習,以提升消防人員的戰力。


Nowadays, there are more and more disasters in the world, such as earthquake, famine, flood, and drought, and they caused extensive damage. For example, Taiwan in the past two years occurred in the air crash, the Eight Immortals dust, the collapse of the Victoria crown building and other disasters. Moreover, because of the increase in population in Taiwan, as well as urbanization and population-intensive phenomena make rescue and fire relief more difficult. Therefore, the data mining technologies proposed in this study is used to analyze the data of the firefighters, fire units and fire brigade duties as the basis for improving the combat capability of firefighters. This study uses two methods, the first one is applied the enhanced PBMF-index function and Fuzzy C-means method to analyzing firefighter attendance data; And the second is to use the Data Envelopment Analysis and Grey Relational Analysis to evaluate the performance among different firefighter units. This study uses different methods to analyze the results of each firefighter, unit, and brigade of the various duties data as the future fire officer for the distribution of grass-roots service and personnel transfer considerations. The analysis results showed that (1) as a result of the discussion of firefighting duties, relatively poor skills of each firefighter can be improved; (2) for fire units, the performance of brigades can also compete with those of each other, and could enhance the rescue and fire relief capability of brigades in the future.


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