  • 學位論文


Study on a Heterogeneous Resources Integration Platform Based on Goal-Oriented Architecture – A Case of Library Information System

指導教授 : 詹勳生


隨著網路科技快速發展與普及,網路相關的應用程式或服務成為現今系統開發主流。Web Services(網路應用程式)是一種網路技術的應用,它可以建立兩個以上的網路資源或服務互相溝通及操作,但若只是進行服務與服務之間溝通,並無法提升網路資源的使用性(Usability)。Semantic Web Services即Semantic Web(語意網)加上Web Services,它不僅可以促使服務之間互通,更進一步進行語意分析,使其回饋給使用都的訊息可以包含更深一層的資訊。 圖書館系統在網路世界中,屬於不常被使用的服務,原因則是其提供之資訊不夠廣泛、多元,因此本研究為提升圖書館系統被使用率,進而結合時下流行的Plurk社群網路服務,將雙方資訊依據各自呈現方式提供資訊互通,也讓傳遞過程中可以推測使用者訊息中的語意,連結至相關圖書館館藏訊息頁面,以提升圖書館資訊能見度。 本研究利用Faaborg學者於2006提出之Goal-Oriented架構為建置Semantic Web Services的基礎,並利用國立中山大學趙善中博士提出的SBC架構,且結合MDA開發流程及元件基底開發於系統開發分析與設計上,以達成網路資訊互通,進而提升圖書館資訊能見度。


As the internet services were developed quickly and popularized, web-based services or applications become mainly development. Web Services, a kind of web-based application, it can build a bridge between more than two web-based services and applications for interoperation. Semantic Web Services even further offer end users reasoning and information of depth. The library information systems (LIS) generally have lower visibility than others web applications in the Internet. This study will be to improve the usability of LIS that connect to the social networking services (SNS, like Plurk), then generating the reference information of semantic from LIS to update the information on SNS. It hopes to improve the information of visibility in LIS. This study refers to Faaborg scholar’s proposal in 2006, that is named Goal-Oriented for source oriented architecture (SOA) and resource oriented architecture (ROA) to improve LIS to connect with more information in the Internet. It is also proposed that uses MDA development lifecycle and Component Based Development, then are modeled with SBC Diagrams and UML-like state chart and class diagram as domain description language.


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