  • 學位論文


The Study of Usage, Satisfaction, and Effectiveness of Digital Library and Information Systems: an assessment of E-resource Metasearch System

指導教授 : 曾繁絹


電腦與網路科技的蓬勃發展至今,人類已經可以隨時利用電腦來獲取資訊。時至今日,電腦所提供的資訊已經龐大的令人無法想像。圖書館所提供的資訊一直以來都是最珍貴且正確的,且因電腦與網路科技的興盛,使得數位圖書館隨之誕生,並逐漸被人類所接受甚至依賴,因為人類幾乎可以隨時隨地的利用電腦從數位圖書館得到所需要的資訊。資訊系統的評估一直都是研究人員重視的一大議題,數位圖書館所建置的資訊系統能儲存大量知識,正扮演著人類與數位圖書館的橋樑,因此,數位圖書資訊服務系統的使用情況將會影響到數位圖書館的成功與否。 以往有關資訊系統的研究多半只探討資訊系統本身的因素,而忽略了個人因素也是影響資訊系統使用的重要性。本研究除了探討數位圖書館的系統與資訊特性外,進一步納入自我效能與主觀規範於研究中,試圖完整探討影響數位圖書資訊服務系統的使用、滿意度與績效的可能因素。 本研究以長榮大學圖書館電子資源整合查詢系統為個案研究,透過對學生發放與回收問卷,共獲得160份有效問卷後進行資料分析。分析結果證實自我效能與主觀規範確實會影響到使用者使用電子資源整合查詢系統;整體而言使用者對於系統是感到滿意的,而使用系統後能有助提升學業上的績效。本研究最後提供後續研究建議,除了提供研究者一個對資訊系統之研究模式外,也建議圖書館可與教學單位合作及針對學生所需的電子資源進行調查,以提升系統使用率及改善系統的介面,如圖形文字介面排版使讀者能感覺更舒適,促使未來數位圖書資訊服務的能夠更受讀者的青睞。


Since the computer and network technology have developed rapidly so far, people utilize it to increase their academic or job performance. Information provided by the library has always been considered the most valuable and accurate. As a sophisticated digital library emerges to satisfy individuals’ information need, library users can utilize and access the authorized information without the constraint of time and space. Previous researches investigate the impact of information systems success on several aspects, both individually and organizationally. However, these studies focus more on the system functions and usually ignore the effect of individual cognition and social influence. In this study, we extend the IS success model with two more factors-self-efficacy and subjective norms, trying to explore the potential influences on digital library usage, user satisfaction and performance. This research takes the Chang Jung Christian University library E-resources (electron resources) Metasearch system as the case study. We adopted the questionnaire for the students, and finally got 160 useful questionnaires to assess the hypotheses. The research results confirmed that self-efficacy and subjective norm can significantly affect the usage of E-resource Metasearch System. Subsequently, the users feel satisfied with the system, and increase their academic performance after using it. Finally, there are two suggestions proposed in this research – cooperating more with educational program to increase users’ information literacy, and improving the system interface, functions, and services to enhance its quality.


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