  • 學位論文

利用微生物發酵萃取紫錐菊有效藥理成分-Cichoric acid之研究

Extraction of cichoric acid-active ingredient of coneflower by microbial fermentation

指導教授 : 吳繼光


微生物發酵並配合以HPLC進行成分分析,發現發酵前後之cichoric acid含量有明顯差異。本研究指出經過微生物發酵後,紫錐菊中的cichoric acid可伴隨著酒精的產出而被萃取出來,濃度比發酵前增加三倍。若是不經微生物發酵,單獨以15%乙醇浸泡相同的發酵時間,則萃取出的cichoric acid濃度只有發酵的8%(發酵液第4天)。在菌根菌接種實驗中,接種菌根菌的紫錐菊(VA組)總乾重比未接種菌根菌的紫錐菊(CK組)高,實驗中也發現VA組葉子cichoric acid濃度為473 μg/mL,CK組卻只有246 μg/mL。在一連串的實驗中,利用菌根菌接種來提高紫錐菊中的cichoric acid,並利用微生物發酵的方法,有助於開發紫錐菊的新產品,並提升紫錐菊的應用價值與商業利益。


In this study, fermentation was applied to extract cichoric acid from coneflower, which was monitored by HPLC analysis. Our data indicate that the concentration of cichoric acid show significant difference pre- and post- fermentation. The concentration of cichoric acid increased three times if compared with the initial background value. Relative to the microbial fermentation, coneflower was instead soaked in 15% ethanol for the same time period as in fermentation. The result indicated that ethanol alone could not increase the extraction of cichoric acid, and this may be due to the esterification between cichoric acid and ethanol. The concentration of cichoric acid extracted by ethanol alone was about 8% of that by microbial fermentation (30% sugar, 4 days after the treatment). In the mycorrhizal inoculation test, the total dry weight of inoculated coneflower (VA) was more than control. The concentration of cichoric acid in the leaves of inoculated coneflower, 473 μg/mL was significantly higher than uninoculated control, 246 μg/mL. In this study, a combined strategy of mycorrhizal inoculation and microbial fermentation to promote the use of coneflower and its commercial value was evaluated.


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