  • 學位論文


Effect the water extract from of Tainug No1.(TGNl) (Dioscoera alafa L.) and Mingjian (Dioscoera alafa L. var. purpurea M Pouch) on the antioxidant enzyme activities in mouse liver cell and liver cancer cell

指導教授 : 許成光


近年來從草本植物中尋找良好的天然抗氧化劑,用以對抗生物體內的氧化性傷害日漸受到喝目。本研究目的是評估台農一號及名間長紅兩種山藥品系之水萃取物對於細胞內的抗氧化酵素的影響,另外加入氧化劑tert-Buty1hydrogen peroxide(t-BHP)與Sodium nitreprusside(SNP)誘導傷害細胞,檢測其對抗氧化酵素的活性變化。在細胞內抗氧化酵素的試驗中,台農一號典名閻長紅山藥可提升小鼠肝細胞EL83B的SOD與CAT酵素的活性;名間長紅山藥可提升小鼠肝細胞Hepa1-6的CAT酵素活性。添加了誘導氧化劑之後的表現,在FL83B的部份,空白組裡添加t-BHP誘導劑之後GPX的活性有提升;台農一號山藥的組別中CAT與GPX的活性有明顯增加的趨勢;名間長紅山藥的組別裡,GPX的活性經過有明顯上升的現象;在Hepa1-6的部份,在空白組與名間長紅山藥的組別裡,添加t-BHP誘導劑之 後,只有CAT的活性有增加,其餘皆無明顯差異。而另一種誘導劑SNP的部份,在FL83B細胞中,三個組別的CAT酵素活性都有下降的表現,SOD的部份只有空白組與台農一號山藥組別有下降;而Hepa1-6細胞中,只有名間長紅山藥組別SOD酵素活性有下降的現象,其餘皆無明顯差異。總歸,山藥有提升抗氧化酵素酵素的效果,對於細胞在誘導劑傷害之後抗氧化酵素的影響,可能由於誘導路徑不同,所以造成結果不同。


山藥 細胞 抗氧化酵素


Recently, there is increasing interest in finding natural antioxidants from plants to protect human body against damage due to oxidative stress. The purposes of this study were to evaluate the effects of water extracts from two species of Taiwanese yams, Tainung No.1 (TNG1)(Dioscoera alata L.) and Mingjian (Dioscoera alata L. var. purpurea M. Pouch) on the activities of antioxidant enzymes in the cells. The influences of oxidant agents, tert-Butyihydrogen peroxide (t-BHP) and sodium mtreprusside (SNP), on the activities of antioxidant enzymes were also determined.The results showed that the water extracts from TNG1 and Mingjian could raise the activities of SOD and CAT in mouse liver cell FL83B. The water extract from Mingjian increased the activity of CAT in mouse liver cancer cell Hepa 1-6.In FL83B, the induce of t-BHP increased the activity of GPx When FL83B was incubated with the water extract from TNG1, the CAT and GPx activities increased after the induction of t-BHP. But the addition of the water extract from Mmgjian increased the activity of GPx after the induction of t-BHP In Hepa 1-6, the induce of t-BHP increased the activity Of CAT. When Hepa 1-6 was incubated with the water extract from Mingjian, the CAT activity was also increased FL83B had lower CAT and SOD activities when induced with SNP With the addition of the extract from TNG1, FL83B showed lower CAT and SOD activities after the induction of SNP But with the addition of the extract from Mmgjian, the activity of CAT decreased after the induction of SNP For Hepa 1-6, only Hepa 1-6 incubated with the water extract from Mmgjian showed lower SOD activities after the induction of SN?. After all, yam could increase the activities of antioxidant enzymes When the cells were induced by oxidant agents, the influence of oxidant agents on the activities of antioxidant enzymes might be different because they might involve m differint oxidative pathway.


yam cell antioxidant enzyme


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