  • 學位論文


Studies on Visitor’s Recreational Motivations and Satisfactions for Historic Buildings-Kaohsiung Museum of History as Example

指導教授 : 陳元陽


中文摘要 隨著台灣地區產業結構的轉型,經濟快速成長以及國民所得的提高,加上週休二日的推波助瀾,人民對於遊憩需求也相對增加。而各縣市便藉此積極發展觀光遊憩事業,但由於各大型活動承辦不易、花費甚鉅;各縣市間建設的遊憩設施同質性又太高,吸引力就顯得相當有限。所以,若要使觀光遊憩發展能長久穩定,那麼,在文化層面發展上是不可缺少的。文化層面中分為軟、硬體的二部份,其中,以硬體為較主要發展資源,如:歷史建築、古蹟等。 長期以來,許多關於歷史建築的研究,都是在保存、維修及再利用上做思維,但如何提供給遊客一個滿意的歷史建築遊憩環境之相關研究就較少。因此本研究乃以針對前往高雄市立歷史博物館之遊客為研究對象,探討遊客個人特性、動機、行前期望、實際體驗後滿意度及其之間的關係,希望透過研究提供給相關單位做為未來發展的參考依據。 本研究採便利抽樣法,共獲得有效問卷418份,並以敘述性統計、t-test、one-way ANOVA、Pearson相關分析,最後再利用I.P.A.分析法配合SWOT模式來對遊客個人特性、動機、行前期望、實際體驗後滿意度及其之間的關係進行分析,結果發現: (1)遊客特性不同,遊憩動機具有差異; (2)遊客特性不同,實際體驗後之滿意度具有差異; (3)遊客之歷史建築遊憩動機與行前期望具有相關性; (4)依據I.P.A.顯示,「歷史建築的保存與維護」、「停車的便利性」以及「參觀的動線指示系統完善」是呈現高重視低滿意,是有關單位需改善的重點。 本研究依據所做之分析給予相關單位建議有下: (1) 改採收費制度,將收入轉用於建築物的保存與維修上。 (2) 對遊客宣導大眾交通工具的利用,以解決停車不便的問題。 (3) 製作高度合適並方便遊客觀看之動線指示圖。 透過了解遊客之需求及重點問題的改善,可以提升館方服務的品質,並達到提供遊客一個完善與滿意的歷史建築遊憩環境。


Abstract After 2-days off per week policy was implemented, research shows that demand of leisure and recreation was increased substantially. While the government is actively developing policies and facilities regarding public leisure and recreation to meet the demand, but that are similar to each other. If tourism of county hope to develop longest, culture is not absent. It is divided into two parts soft and hardware in culture. Take hardware as to mainly development resource, such as the historic architecture, excavation etc. Although historic buildings were reutilized for past decades, rehabilitation and preservation of the buildings were the focus, and the management was not in consideration. In order to meet the demand of tourism and to preserve the historical resources, the government should preserve the environment of historic buildings, maintain recreation facilities, and provide friendly services, to promote the quality of services. The samples were randomly generated, and there were 418 valid responses. This study is using describable、 t-test、one-way ANOVA, Pearson, finally uses I.P.A. analysis method concert SWOT model to analysis visitors’ characteristics, recreational motivation, expectation, perception, and relations between these factors in the Kaohsiung Museum of History, Taiwan. The result shows that: (1) The visitors’ recreational motivation are distinct for visitors with different characteristics. (2) The visitors’ perception are different for visitors with different characteristics. (3) There are correlations between visitors’ recreational motivation for historic buildings and expectation. (4) According to I.P.A., the items of “conservation and maintenance of history architecture”, “convenience of park”, and “perfect move line instructions of visiting” are displayed high value and low contentment. They are the priority to improve. Some suggestions for this museum are provided in this study: (1) To carry out a system of charge for visit to museum, and making rehabilitation and preservation use of charge. (2) To notify visitor of when they go to museum, they can use public transportation more. (3) Giving visitor to fitting and convenient of a signal of map, when visit to museum. Through, if museum knew demand of visitor and improved the problems to the point, it will promote to service quality of museum, and there will supply a flawless and satisfying of recreation place of historic buildings.




