  • 學位論文


The Feasibility Study of Customer Relationship Management Outsourcing in Hotel Industry

指導教授 : 林銘昌


大多數旅館業目前所面臨的問題普遍包括人力規模小、客層無法正確的掌握、再宿率低等問題。在人力的配置上,若額外聘請專業的資訊人才,則不符合成本考量,因此僅有少數旅館業有聘請專業的資訊人才。目前旅館業者使用顧客關係管理系統上的使用狀況,多仍停留在顧客資料庫的建立上,倘若能妥善的利用這些資料庫,即可有效同時進行電子化及強化顧客關係管理的部分。但以目前旅館,多半沒有能力進行資料庫分析,找出忠實的顧客或是針對資料作顧客的行銷與開發,因此可以透過顧客關係管理業務委外方式使旅館能專注於核心產品上,並能藉由委外承包商來處理欲達成之業務。本研究欲達成以下目的:1.了解目前旅館業顧客關係管理使用狀況。2.探究影響旅館顧客關係管理委外需求的因素為何?3.找出顧客關係管理業務委外意願的需求類型。 透過OLS迴歸分析發現,在旅館業顧客關係管理業務委外意願的因素中,重要影響的因素為:一、顧客回流率,二、填答者職稱,三、旅館所在地,四、旅館類型,五、旅館的房間數,六、每房平均床位數,七、承包商的企業文化,八、旅館的平均房價。CRM委外意願透過K-means集群分析法,區隔出三種不同的業務委外意願需求之族群。第一類型為「稍重視顧客忠誠而不重視顧客開發與行銷型」;第二類型「不重視顧客忠誠也不重視顧客開發與行銷型」;第三類型是「重視顧客忠誠且重視顧客開發與行銷型」。本研究之結果可供委外管理業者及旅館業者未來在進行顧客關係管理業務委外時之參考。


By far, most hotels face lots of problems, including the shortage of human resources, uncertainty of customer base, and low re-occupancy etc. To solve the problem of human resources, it is not affordable to consult IT professionals. Nowadays, hotels still be used the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system to construct the customer databases. If these databases were utilized, the e-commerce and customer relationship management can be facilitated at the meantime. However, most hotels are not capable of developing marketing mix to their customers from the databases. Therefore, hotels can be focused on their core products and services by outsourcing the business of customer relationship management. To summarize, the main purpose of this project is to understand the usage of CRM and to discuss the factors that affect outsourcing, and then to find out the different needs of CRM and what form these needs. From the research, we find the follwing important factors which will affect the willingness of outsourcing CRM: (1) Customer re-occupancy. (2) The position of respondents. (3) The location of the hotel. (4) The type of the hotel. (5) The room number of the hotel. (6) The average number of the bed per room. (7) Enterprise culture of a contractor. (8) The average price per room in the hotel. By K-means analysis, we segment differently three groups whose needs to adopt outsourcing. The first group is focused on loyalty rather than on marketing and on development of customers. The second one ignores loyalty, marketing and development of customers. The last one is focused on loyalty as well as on marketing and development of customers. The result of this research might be helpful in the future when hotels are in need to adopt the outsourcing of CRM.


Hotel CRM Outsourcing


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