  • 學位論文


The Preference and the Constraint of the Elder Farmers’Leisure in Waipu Township,Taichung County

指導教授 : 張峻嘉


中 文 摘 要 台灣2007年12 月的總人口約為2295萬人,65歲以上人口數約為234萬人,占總人口數的 10.21%,其中老年農民人口數約為70.7 萬人占全省老人人口數30.1%。隨著老年人口的增加,老年人口的安養、照護與休閒活動逐漸受到重視。 台中縣外埔鄉老人人口約為3400人,其中老農人口約為2000人,占全鄉老人人口的59%,本研究的動機在於關切老農休閒活動此一重要社會現象,藉由外埔鄉老農的經驗研究,以問卷調查與統計分析方法,探討老農的休閒偏好與休閒阻礙,作為未來規劃老農休閒活動的參考。 研究結果發現,近五成老農每天起床後到田裡工作,一天中工作時間均在4~8小時間,工作結束後的休閒活動則以在家看電視為主,與朋友鄰居聊天者亦佔七成左右,平常參與日常休閒活動時間則在1~2小時之間,有近六成老農沒有國外休閒經驗。而老農參加休閒活動,以能夠增進情感,並以家庭、村中小型社會型態為主。老農的休閒阻礙,由於外出旅遊機會少,因此對旅遊地點的環境安全便利、同伴有無……等因素最關心,在阻礙方面 主要是社會環境阻礙,如交通不便、太過擁擠、不安全及缺乏同伴等因素;此外,也因家有老幼婦孺需要照顧,所以這些也成為老農休閒的主要阻礙。對政策規劃的建議上,「社交聯誼偏好者」方面,受到許多老農的認同;因此,相關機關應該注重此問題,加強村里基礎建設,使村里有足夠的休憩場所。除了「社會環境阻礙」因素之外,「個人技術阻礙」因素也是老農很大的休閒阻礙;尤其是因過少出門旅遊,而產生的畏懼及害羞,進而失去信心的情形,應該透過農會及農政相關單位,多舉辦外出的活動,以使老農們有更優質的休閒生活。


Abstract The population of Taiwan in December 2007 is about 22.96 million and 2.34 million are more than 65, which is about 10.21%. The elder farmers are about 707,000, which is about 30.1% of the population more than 65. The caring and their leisure activities are attracting more attention. The population elder than 65 are 3,400 in Wai-pu township,Tai-chung county, the elder farmers are 2,000, which is about 59% of elder population in the Wai-pu township. In this study, the questionnaire was conducted to acquire the preference and limitation of recreation for elder farmers and it can be the guideline for planning of recreation activities in the future. The results show that the average working hours for farmers in Wai-pu are 4 to 8 hours per day. The daily recreation time is about 1 to 2 hours, such as watching TV and chatting with neighbors and those activities can be more than 70% of probability. There are less than 40% of farmers with foreign tourism experience. The activities which the farmers participate are both emotional elevating and social related. They mostly care about the accessibility and companion, and traffic, crowding, unsafety and lack of companion are limitation for recreation. For policy making, the upgrading of township infrastructure for recreation is critical. The limitation related to personal factors is also important, such as shine, fear and without travel experience. So the local farmer organization should organize more activities for farmers.


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