  • 學位論文


A Study on the Consumer’s Evaluation Criteria for Bed and Breakfast

指導教授 : 曾喜鵬


中 文 摘 要 近年來由於周休二日假期的施行,也間接使得民眾遊憩的機會日益增多,消費需求多元,住宿方式也跟著改變,民眾出遊不一定要居住旅館飯店或小木屋,因而帶動了民宿風潮。依據交通部觀光局2007年10月統計顯示,全國登記的民宿多達2737家,國民旅遊住宿方式選擇民宿者,從2005年之4%,大幅提昇至2006年之5.8%(約580萬人次),顯示民宿已成為國人在安排旅遊中,相當重要的住宿選項之一。前述結果顯示台灣民宿產業的競爭激烈,另方面也顯示消費者有更多的民宿可供選擇。 從過去有關民宿的研究發現,一般消費者的決策過程當中,可能先擇定某一個區域做為旅遊地點之後,再從旅遊地區裡頭所有的民宿,選擇若干個民宿替選方案,這時候消費者有本身資訊蒐集的來源以及本身所考量的因素,這是第一個階段;接下來的第二階段,再就消費者所選擇的幾個可行的替選方案當中,透過不同的因素去考量,做為最後選取可行方案的一項依據。前述不同的決策過程,應會受到不同因素的影響,對於替選方案的資訊來源亦應會有所差異。過去研究尚未能針對此可能的選擇行為進行探討,研究結果將可對民宿消費者之選擇行為有更深一層的理解,並提供民宿業者在擬訂民宿行銷策略(包含產品、定價、通路及促銷)時之重要參考。 消費者選擇民宿的整個過程中,會受各種評估準則的影響,本研究根據參考文獻研擬出26項評估準則,並設計完整問卷內容為正式問卷。由於南投的民宿數量為全國第三,因此本研究問卷於2008年三月一日至五月三十一日於南投清境地區的遊客服務中心發放,且調查對象限定為有住宿民宿經驗者。調查方式為親自訪問,合計發放了350份問卷,回收的有效問卷為300份。 本研究針對不同階段的消費者評估準則進行成對樣本t檢定,其結果顯示,在26項評估準則當中,經過兩個階段的分析後,均有明顯差異,值得一提的是,僅有四項評估準則,呈現無顯著差異,且該評估準則在兩階段的平均數均為5(重要)以上,素示這四項評估準則是消費者在整個選擇過程中認為的重要程度均為「重要」。這同時也顯示這四項評估準則是民宿業者在行銷產品時,整個行銷流程均須注重的評估準則。


Abstract In recent years, people have more opportunity to recreate because of the two-day-off per week policy. Therefore, consumers have more kinds of needs, and the way of accommodations changes. People don’t have to live in the hotel or cottage if they go on a tour. Another better choice is “Bed and Breakfast”. According to the data of the Tourism Bureau the Ministry of Communications, there are 2737 Bed and Breakfasts in Taiwan.(October, 2007) The rate of Bed and Breakfast accommodations increases from 4%(2005)to 5.8%(2006). As a result, “Bed and Breakfast” is very important choice if people have accommodations needs. The before outcom displays B&B market in Taiwai is very competitive, and the consumers have more B&Bs to choose. From some studies of Bed and Breakfasts, in the consumers’ decision-making process, they probably choose some area as their tour spot, and choose some Bed and Breakfasts plans in all Bed and Breakfasts of this tour spot. They have some information sources and factors they think about. This is the first stage. And then, consumers will choose the best plan in these plans they choose by thinking about different causes. This is the second stage. The different decision-making process that are affected by different factors influence the information source of the choosing plan. In the past, there is no this kind of study which probe into probable choosing behavior.This study will also provide Bed and Breakfasts businessman with better marketing strategies, including product, price, marketing channel, and sales promotion. The consumers will be affected by all kinds of the valuation criterias during the whole process of choosing B&B. The study designs 26 valuation criterias and complete questionnaire as the formal questionnaire. From first March to thirty- first May in 2008, we give tourists the formal questionnaires in the tourist service center of Chinjing Veterans Farm in Nantou because the amount of Nantou B&B is number three in Taiwan. Besides, all the tourists we give the formal questionnaires have experiences of staying in B&B. The way of investigation is having interviews with these tourists by oueselves. We give these tourists 350 questionnaires, and receive 300 available questionnaires in return. The study focuses on the consumer evaluation criterias of the different stages and uses t-test on the pair-sampling, and the outcome displays there are apparent differences after the analysis of the two stages in 26 evaluation criterias. There is one point. There is no apparent difference in four evaluation criterias, and the average of the evaluation criterias in the two stages is above 5(key point). This displays these four evaluation criterias are all “important”during the whole choosing process of the consumers. Meanwhile, this also displays these four evaluation criterias are significant points we must pay attention to during the whole marketing process when the B&B proprietors sell their products.


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