  • 學位論文


Allowance of child care is to discuss the influence on the economic aspect of the low income families: Taking Taichung as an example.

指導教授 : 陳琇惠


一般而言,低收入戶在社會上擁有的資源比較少,從工作收入、人力資源到子女教育都是如此,因為經濟的匱乏,其所影響的不僅是低收入戶長本身,對於子女的影響也更大。對於一般家庭來說,子女的教育已經是一項極大的付出,然而,對於低收入戶而言,更是一大的負擔,相較於一般家庭,低收入戶子女所擁有的資源較少,其較少受文化剌激的機會、其擁有較少的文化資本及人力資本,在這樣不斷循環的過程中,貧窮將會不斷的世代交替無法超越。在國內顯少有關兒童托育津貼相關研究,另一方面,台中市的單行法規中雖有針對低收入戶的家庭經濟支持的救助,但這些計畫都只是提供迫切需要的家庭維持最低生活水準,保障其最低的經濟安全。因此,在了解兒童托育津貼對低收入戶的重要性之後,本研究目的冀望:(一).了解現行兒童托育津貼的發放現況後,對低收入家庭實際的影響及變化;(二).清楚了解低收入戶對托育津貼的看法;(三).了解兒童托育津貼對低收入戶家庭經濟生活的影響;(四).了解低收入戶在享有托育津貼補助後,往後的生活是否有所改善。 本研究欲以質性研究方法為主要途徑,深度訪談法為主要方法,研究對象為台中市有領取兒童托育津貼之低收入家庭之家長。在台灣,每個地方政府的措施各不相同,會以台中市為研究場域是因為可近性,而且中央主管機關兒童局又在台中市,兒童經濟安全措施業務內容全由其所掌管。所以,若以台中市九十五年度領取兒童托育津貼之人數來看,共有106 人領取,而本研究以立意取樣的方式找出10 位台中市低收入戶個案進行訪談。 從這十位受訪者所蒐集到的原始資料並加以整理與分析,並藉由著國內相關文獻的蒐集與整理,導引出來的研究結論有以下幾點: 1.低收入戶會透過各種管道去申請到托育津貼措施。 2.政府單位在托育津貼的行政程序上有待評估。 3.政府單位在托育津貼措施宣導上有待加強。 4.托育津貼措施審核標準過於嚴苛。 5.雖然子女托育費用對低收入戶來說是一大負擔,但政府單位提供托育津貼的補助確實減少了家庭的經濟負擔。 低收入戶畢竟在我們的社會上是處於弱勢族群,因此,本研究希望提供日後台灣兒童托育津貼相關措施的推動、制定以及相關研究之參考,以求能夠符合台灣低收入戶的需求,保障其權益。


Generally speaking, low income families have fewer resources from job income, human resources, and education. Due to financial shortage, it not only influences the parents but also the children in the household. To most families, children’s education is already costly, but to low income families it is a burden. Relatively to general families, children of low income families have less resource, less chances to experience different culture, and less cultural capital and human capital. In this constant cycle, poverty will remain generation after generation with no breakthrough. In Taiwan, there are few relevant studies on the allowance of child care. Although in Taichung, there are laws directed to help low income families maintain the minimum living standard and economic security, but these plans only support families with urgent needs. Thus, after understanding the importance of child care allowance on the low income families, the objectives of this research: (1) Understand the current grant situation of child care allowance and its actual effects and changes on low income families; (2) Understand clearly the perspectives of low income families on child care allowance; (3) Understand what impacts child care allowance have on the financial aspect of the life of low income families; (4) Understand whether the life of low income families after receiving child care allowance has improved or not. This research focuses quality research approaches using in-depth interview as the main method with parents of low income families who have gotten child care allowance as research participants. In Taiwan, different local governments have different approaches. The reason for using Taichung as the research location is because of its close proximity and it is also the central authority of the Children’s Bureau Ministry of the Interior R.O.C. In the year of 95, Taichung gave out child care allowance to 106 people and this research uses purposive sampling to study 10 individual cases from the city of Taichung. After organization and analysis of the primary data from the 10 interviewee and with the collection and arrangement of domestic relevant references, it leads to the following points in the research conclusion: 1. Low income families will apply through various channels to obtain child care allowance. 2. The government agency’s administrative process on child care allowance remains to be assessed. 3. The government agency’s campaign on the approaches of child care allowance remains to be improved. 4. The standard for granting child care allowance is too strict. 5. Although child care expenses are a hefty burden for low income families, but child care allowance from government agencies has reduced that financial burden. After all, low income families are a minority in our society. Thus, this study hopes to serve as a reference for future relevant researches and establishment of measures on child care allowance so as to accord with the needs, interests, and rights of low income families.


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