  • 學位論文


Consumption of Organic Agricultural Products and Demand for Teaching Evidence from Elementary School Teachers in Taichung County

指導教授 : 范宗宸 謝廷芳 楊世華


由於人類的自利行為,嚴重破壞地球生態,卻使人類生存遭受莫大威脅,於是有識之士於全球各地積極推行有機農業。台灣的生態環境與國民健康亦面臨逐漸惡化的現況,但對推廣有機農業尚缺乏一些客觀條件配合與存在些困難,因此本研究以台中縣國小教師為對象,進行有機農產品的認知、態度、消費行為及有機教學需求等之探討,研究結果期能做為相關單位推廣有機農業之參考。 於2008年4月,蒐集到491份有效問卷資料,做為分析之依據。除樣本分析外,並以SPSS統計軟體,應用因素分析法 (factor analysis)與羅吉特模型 (Logit model),進行有機農產品消費與有機教學需求之實證研究。 在樣本分析方面顯示:(1)對有機農業的整體正確認知率為61.7%,其中以「生態與健康」(89.4%)最高,而「加工與流通」(34.4%)最低;(2)對有機農業的態度認同度高達91.3%;(3)每月平均消費有機農產品一次以上者佔61.5%,其主要消費動機為「健康」(96.1%)與「安全有保障」(72.5%);及(4)有九成二認為要推行有機教育,並希望相關單位提供「學生戶外教學或體驗」(81.3%)之教學支援。 實證結果方面,先針對14個態度問項,應用因素分析法,得到二個共同因素,因素一命名為「倫理消費」,特徵值是8.027,解釋變異量為57.3%,而因素二命名為「認同責任」,特徵值是1.556,解釋變異量為11.1%,合計累計解釋變異量達68.4%。並以Logit模型,對有機農產品消費與教學需求共七條方程式進行實證研究,結果顯示:(1)認知程度或態度認同度高者,較會消費有機農產品或從事有機教學;(2)男性、宗教信仰為佛教與一貫道者、家庭月收入10萬以上者、家中有60歲以上長者、為家中農產品主要購買者等,相對上較會消費有機農產品;(3)年齡30歲以上者、宗教信仰為佛教與一貫道者、家中有12歲以下幼童者等,相對上較會進行有機教學;及(4)能同時對有機農產品消費與有機教學需求,達最顯著且正向影響效果之變數為「倫理消費」態度。 據此,建立「倫理消費」觀念,可提高有機農產品消費與推行有機教育,進而幫助有機農業發展。再者,在消費方面可依顯著性的人口統計變數,作為拓銷對象,並加強對有機農產品深廣度之認知與環保飲食概念的宣導;在教學需求上,希望相關單位提供有機教學體驗等多項支援,並可利用教師週三進修時間,協助教師進行有機農業與教學之學習,以奠立下一代健康的基礎。


After the rapid development of material civilization, people with breadth of vision realized on the negative impacts to humans’ health and ecology, thus the so-called organic agriculture was boosted. In recent years, the growth rate of global organic market reached 16% ~ 43%, and the organic agriculture became a new trend of the 21st century. Equally, the ecological environment in Taiwan was also damaged after industrialization and economic growth. Therefore, it is an urgent need to solve the relative problems of industrialization through developing the organic agriculture (OA) in Taiwan. This research tried to analyze the consumption of organic agricultural products (OAP) and the demand for organic teaching (OT) using empirical data from 491 teachers in Taichung County. The Logit model was chosen for empirical study. The results of this research might give the policy suggestions to promote the organic agriculture industry in Taiwan. The study showed that the average correct rate of recognition to OA was only 61.7%. Regarding to the attitude of OA, the average agreement was as high as 91.3%. In addition, the ratio of monthly consumption for OAP was 61.5%. Moreover, 92% of the respondents agreed with the need of OT. Two common factors were found by factor analysis, and the cumulative variance explained reached 68.4%. Logic model pointed out that the respondents’ recognition and attitude had positive effects on consumption of OAP and OT. In addition, some demographic variables had positive effects on consumption of OAP, such as male, religion with Buddhism and Yi Guan Dao, higher family income, and family with over-60-years-old elders. Moreover, some demographic variables had positive effects on OT, such as age (over-30-year-old), religion with Buddhism and Yi Guan Dao, and family with under-12-year-old children. Based on the results, the study concluded that consumption of OAP might be promoted by extending OA to the main consumers, increasing the recognition and attitude to OA, and strengthening the concept of ethical consumption. Moreover, the demand for OT might be increased by providing teaching materials and experienced activities regarding with OA, planning the teaching courses regarding with OAP, and learning the OT through meetings and discussion.


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