  • 學位論文


A Study on Social Support, Life Satisfaction and Participation Experience in Day Care Centres for the Elderly

指導教授 : 李美玲


為因應人口老化趨勢,對社區化照護需求,符合在地老化理念,老人社區日托成為老人照護措施之一。本研究旨在探討老人社區日托參與:參與感受、社會支持及生活滿意度的相關性。研究設計採案例對照(case control )方式,控制變項包括性別、年齡、工作狀況、居住地社區及教育程度。樣本的選擇來源由辦理老人日扥之非營利組織,提供四個日托站,共訪談54位有參與日托之老人案例,對照組則為54位未參與日托老人。研究工具為面對面訪查問卷,內容主要包括:老人參與社區日托之經歷與感受、健康狀況、社會支持狀況及生活滿意度。在信效度的處理上採用項目分析法檢定本研究工具的量表信度,以專家審查同意保障研究工具的效度。分析結果,本研究獲得下列結論: 一、婚姻狀況及自覺健康是影響老人參與日托的因素;參與日托老人參與動機以健身為主。 二、在控制健康狀況下,參與者的生活滿意度高於未參與者。 三、人口特質中的教育程度、工作狀況、居住狀況會影響參與日托者之感受。 四、有參與日托者之人口特質中的經濟狀況與社會支持及生活滿意度有顯著性正相關;宗教信仰則與生活滿意度有顯著的負相關。不過,後者的因果詮釋必須特別留意。 五、有參與日托者在非正式支持中訊息性支持度高於未參與者;參與日托老人在社會支持的主要來源皆以配偶、子女及媳婦居多。 六、當主要照顧者屬不同住的子女,日托照顧的參與確實緩解照顧者壓力。 建議及研究限制: (一)、對社政機關的建議:增加輕、中度失能者參與日托照顧的可近性;加強關懷弱勢老人服務。 (二)、對日托單位的建議:日托站設置偏遠山區,宜改善交通不便;日托課程需考量多元學習課程;日托站宜普設老人活動設備;失智老人的照顧,需有專業醫療介入。 (三)、對高齡者照顧者及家屬的建議:鼓勵夫妻培養共同的嗜好及興趣;家屬照顧者需多關切長輩參與日托現況。 (四)、對未來研究的建議:取得戶政機關老人名冊,減少尋找個案的時間;主要家屬照顧者宜採面訪之方式。


With the aging of population in Taiwan , calls for community care emerged, and day care programs for the elderly were developed in every counties. This paper investigates the participation experience and its correlations with social support and life satisfaction among the elderly in communities of Nantou county. Case control design is employed to suit research purpose. Study was conducted with gender, age, job, residence, and educational background as the variables. Sample of case group consists of four non-profit elder day care centers and 54 elderly respondents were interviewed. The control group consists of 54 elderly who never enrolled in day care center but with similar social backgrounds pertaining to sex, age , education, and occupational history in the same communities . Research tools developed include questionnaire containing questions on day care participation history, health conditions, social support and life satisfaction scales. Content of questionnaire was validated by professionals. Reliability was approved by pre-test and item analysis. This study reaches the following conclusions: 1.Marital status and self-perceived health status have selective influence on the enrollment of an elder into day care center. 2.Day care elderly have higher life satisfaction than nonparticipant elderly, even after control for their health conditions. 3.Social background factors including education, occupation history ,residence are correlated with day care elderly participants’ perceptions of program. 4.Financial status correlate positively to the elderly’s social support and life satisfaction; while religion correlate negatively to life satisfaction. Causal inference needs to be cautious for such above correlations. 5.Participating elderly in day care centers tend to have more informal support than control group. Social support for participating elderly come mainly from their spouse, children and daughters-in-law. 6.Day care participation has significantly alleviate the care burden of elder’s non-coresident children when children are elder’s primary caregivers. Suggestions and research restrictions: 1. Suggestions for social authorities: improve access to day care for the minor and medium disabled; enforce service for the elderly. 2. Suggestions for day care centers: Remote day care centers need to work on the problem of inconvenient transportation; day care programs need to take diversified learning programs into consideration; day care centers could install elder facilities; they require professional medical care to take care of patients having dementia. 3. Suggestions for elder caregiver and relatives: Encourage couples to develop common hobbies and interests; pay more attention to how well the elderly do in day care centers. 4.Suggestions for future study: Get access to elderly name lists from population administration authorities to save time finding individual cases; it’s optimal to conduct an interview with the primary caregivers。


郭昱安(2004) ‧高雄市長青學苑高齡者生活型態與學習需求之研究‧未發表的碩士論文‧台北:國立台灣大學農業推廣學研究所。


