  • 學位論文

大學生的睡眠及其相關因素之研究 -以中部地區某國立大學學生為例

A Study of the Factors Associated with Sleep Quality of University Students in Taiwan

指導教授 : 劉俊昌


睡眠是基本的生理需求,當睡眠無法滿足時,容易有疲倦、頭痛、憂鬱、情緒激動、注意力下降及工作或學習效率降低的現象發生。大學生因活動多元化,而犧牲了睡眠,是其最常見的生活習慣改變。因此,本研究的目的,是在瞭解大學生的睡眠狀況及其相關因素。 本研究以中部地區某國立大學94學年度第2學期在學的大學生共4443人為研究母群體,採分層隨機抽樣的方法取得樣本數共計896人。研究工具是一份自陳問卷,內容包括:社會人口學因素、健康信念因素、經修訂的匹茲堡睡眠品質量表及改善睡眠的行為意向量表。各量表中題目之信度檢測Cronbach’s α值介於.63~.74之間。問卷共回收741份(回收率為83%),有效問卷為717份。 研究發現半數以上的大學生過了午夜還不就寢。在經修訂的匹茲堡睡眠品質量表的平均得分為6.73(SD=2.73),有六成以上的人睡眠品質不佳。影響大學生睡眠品質的主要因素為學校生活環境因素,分別為:就寢時間、住宿地點、寫作業、打電動、參加社團、看電視,六個因素。將近五成的人表示,願意改善睡眠環境來提昇睡眠品質。至於要他們參加有關改善睡眠的教學課程,只有7.9%的人表示非常願意。


Abstract Sleep is one of the basic physical needs to human. When one cannot have sufficient sleep, he will easily feel fatigue, headache, depression, emotional agitated, cannot concentrate on something and low study efficiency. The university students changed their living style at the cost of sleep because of the diversity activities which is the most common reason in this group. The purpose of this study is to investigate the sleep condition and its correlated factors in university students. The sample populations were choused from an educational university in middle Taiwan. Students are all enrolled in the second semester, 2005. The total populations are 4443. Stratified random sample approaching the populations and 896 samples were gathered. The investigation are using questionnaires including demographic modification factors, health belief model correlated factors, modified Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index Scale (PSQIS) and the intension to improve sleep scale. The Cronbach’s α is betweens .63 to .74. 741 questionnaire papers were collected back. The response rate was 83%. The effective populations are 717 with 24 feckless. The results show more than half students do not go to bed after midnight. The average Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index Scale ( PSQIS ) in this study is 6.73 ± 2.73. More than 60% people do not have good sleep quality. The main reason influenced students’ sleep quality is school-living environment factor. It includes the time to go to bed, dormitory locations, doing homework, playing video games, joing to the club and watching TV. Almost 50% people show their wills to improve the sleep quality by improving the sleep environment. As asking them to join the related classes associated to improve the sleep, only 7.9% people show strongly attention to joint such classes.


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