  • 學位論文


The Study of Visitors’Acceptance of Traffic Control Policy-A Case Study of Sun Moon Lake National Scenic Area

指導教授 : 陳瀅世


近年來台灣地區隨著經濟成長、高速公路興建交通的便捷、加上高鐵即將完成通車,一日生活圈的形成、國民所得提高、及週休二日實施,使國人從事休閒旅遊的風氣大開,休閒遊憩活動已成為現代人日常生活中不可或缺的一部份。另外交通部觀光局在近幾年亦提出『2002年台灣生態旅遊年』、『2005年台灣觀光年』、『2006年國際青年旅遊年』、『2008年觀光客倍增計畫』之政策目標;休閒產業似乎已成為21 世紀的明星產業。 但是在人口密度如此高的小島上,每逢連續假期或星期例假日,高速公路、各風景區人滿為患的情景一再發生,非但造成旅遊品質之低落、亦降低了遊客之遊憩體驗,更間接破壞了環境資源,故如何維持生態旅遊地永續經營,提高風景區、遊樂區之遊憩品質,乃為現階段政策擬定及經營管理之首要目標。本研究主要目的在探討遊客對交通管制措施接受度之情形,因此如何訂定合理之遊憩承載量管制如車輛、人員等將是提昇旅遊品質之重要因素。由於「國道六號南投段」的興建、及「九族文化村空中纜車BOO計畫」的啟動,加上政府即將開放大陸人士來台觀光,因此未來二年日月潭國家風景區之營運管理模式,必須有所澈底改變,才能因應此一旅遊型態變革趨勢,本研究因此選定目前正推動生態旅遊的日月潭國家風景區為研究區域。 由本研究結果分析得知遊客對於生態旅遊地實施交通管制之相關措施接受度,其中以教育程度較高者、及年齡層在42 歲以上、職業為退休人員其接受度相對較高。這顯示了對生態旅遊認知,教育是很重要的環節,建議日月潭國家風景區管理處今後仍應持續加強設施改善及環境生態推廣教育,如此才能提昇遊客之遊憩滿意度。


Recently in Taiwan, as a result of growing economy, traffic convenience caused by highway construction, nearing completion of HSR (High speed Rail) as well as the formation of one-day life zone, increase of national dividend, and implementation of two-days weekend all have made leisure traveling be the fashion and leisure activities become an indispensable part in people’s daily lives. Moreover, the Tourism Bureau of Ministry of Transportation and Communications had also proposed its policy goals during recent years, such as "Taiwan eco-tourism year, 2002", "Taiwan sightseeing year, 2005", "International youth traveling year, 2006" and "The plan of tourist multiplication, 2008". The leisure industry seems to be a brand leader in 21st century. However, on such a small island with high density of population, whenever there is a long vacation or weekend holiday, highways as well as scenic spots are always overcrowded by people that not only decreases the quality of traveling but also damages tourist’s leisure experiences, besides it has indirectly wasted environmental resources. Therefore, how to everlastingly manage an eco-tourism site and improve the leisure qualities of either scenic spots or amusement areas is the most essential issue for policy-making and management and administration at this moment. This research mainly discusses tourists’ acceptance to traffic control policy, thus issues such as how to decide a reasonable load limitation of either vehicles or personnel control for an amusement site are thought as key factors for promoting quality of traveling. Because of the construction of Nantou section of Highway Sixth, the initialization of BOO plan - aerial cable car of Formosan Aboriginal Culture village and government’s newly decision to open sightseeing in Taiwan to mainland people, the managing strategy of Sun-Moon Lake National Scenic Area Administration Tourism Bureau in next two years has been thoroughly modified in accordance to the tendency of transformation in travel pattern. Thus the Sun-Moon Lake National Scenic Area where the eco-tourism is being promoted has been chosen as study area in this research. The analysis of results in this research helps us to know the acceptance of tourists to the steps adopted in traffic control at eco-tourism sites. It shows that people with higher education, in the ages of 42 years old or above and retiree have higher acceptance relatively. It illustrates that education is the key link to cognition of eco-tourism, consequently it is suggested the Sun-Moon Lake National Scenic Area Administration Tourism Bureau should continue in improving recreation facilities and promoting environmental ecological education to increase tourist’s satisfaction of amusement.




