  • 學位論文


The Influence of Religious Belief on Consumer Behavior - A Study of Automobile Demand in Taiwan

指導教授 : 李偉權


宗教在目前社會中仍扮演重要的角色,是人類生活和心理需求的反映,它可以直接影響人類行為、間接地影響消費習性。由於宗教信仰禁忌的影響,一般民眾大都迴避重大行事。汽車產業為現今社會不可或缺的要素,然在消費汽車數據上似乎也受宗教信仰的影響而有所差異。 本論文旨在探討宗教信仰對汽車消費者行為之影響。主要是根據消費者行為、宗教信仰及汽車相關分析資料並採用近幾年來汽車銷售數據資料為樣本,運用迴歸分析法,探討其影響因子。 研究結果顯示,消費者在鬼月作重大採購有所忌諱,降低在此月的購車意願,新車掛牌數明顯減少。在農曆春節,亦影響新車掛牌數。並發現農曆春節前一個月,新車掛牌數明顯的增加,此為中國人過年除舊佈新的習俗所影響。


Religion, as a reflection of human life and psychological need, still plays an important role in today’s society. It can either directly influence human behavior, or indirectly change the habits in consumption. Religious taboos are what people tend to avoid when making important purchases. While automobile is an essential element in modern society, its demand is seemingly influenced by religious belief. This thesis is mainly aimed at the exploration of how religious belief influences car consumers. Based on the car demand models of Armstrong & Odlig-Smee (1979) and Murray & Sarantis (1999), this study examines the impact of religious events on car demand in Taiwan. Two such events, Ghost Month (Seventh Month in the Lunar calendar) and Chinese New Year, are dummy variables of our model. The empirical results indicate that consumers tend to avoid making important purchases in the Ghost Month, and consequently less likely to purchase cars. New car licenses issued in that month is significantly lower compared to other times of the year. This study also found significant increase in new car licenses during the month before Chinese New Year.


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