  • 學位論文


The Study of Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty- A Case on The General Merchandising Stores in Taichung Area

指導教授 : 葛維鈞


近幾年,國人受到外在媒體刺激的機會增加,改變了國民的生活型態,也間接影響消費者之消費習慣。挾著商品品項齊全、滿足消費者一次購足之需求、價格低廉以及便利舒適之購物場所等競爭優勢,量販店成為顧客矚目之焦點。然而量販店業在國內逐漸呈現飽和的狀態,其原先鎖定的訴求已經無法滿足顧客的需求,唯有傾聽顧客的心聲,充份落實改善企業體質,繼而提高顧客滿意度,方能留住顧客並創造新客源,而這才是企業永續經營之道。 因此,本研究以至連鎖量販店消費之顧客為研究對象,探討顧客重視度、顧客滿意度及顧客忠誠度三者間之關係,瞭解顧客之需求,以期提供業者之營運策略參考。研究範圍為台中地區四大連鎖量販店,採用便利抽樣的方式,以問卷訪問消費後之顧客,共計有效問卷為491份,透過統計分析結果如下: 1.利用因素分析,建立六個衡量「服務品質」與「商店印象」之因素。 2.一般社會大眾與學生群所重視之屬性明顯不同,業者可針對其焦點顧客群提供更完善之服務。 3.透過「重視度-滿意度」之四象限圖分析,可清楚瞭解六大因素在各量販店之分佈。 4.顧客之忠誠行為可分為三群,分別為「輕度量販店使用者」、「中度量販店使用者」及「重度量販店使用者」。


Recently, people get more and more stimulations from mass media. It changes not only people’s life patterns but also people’s consumption habits. GMSs become the main choice for customers due to having completely items, one-stop shopping, lower price and convenience. However, GMSs are saturated in Taiwan. Enterprises need to listen to the customers and provide mechandise which can meet their needs. After satisfying the customers, business can eternally last and bring new consumers. Therefore, this research takes the customers who consume from GMSs as target, try to find out the relationship among customer importance, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. I hope the findings may serve the managers to refer. This study designed questionnaire is to get primary materials and obtained 491 data. This paper gets the following findings: 1.According to factor analysis, setting up six factors to measure service quality and store image. 2.What the public and students focus are very different. The managers can offer more superior service to their focus customers. 3.According to analysis of importance-satisfaction, we will know the distribution features about GMSs. 4.Cluster analysis divided customers into three groups: mild users, medium users and heavy users.


Customer Satisfaction Customer Loyalty GMS


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