  • 學位論文


The Operational Efficiency of Nursing Home under National Hospitals in Taiwan

指導教授 : 黃萬傳 博士


近年來,由於財政收支短絀,使得長期照護機構逐漸朝公辦民營、甚或鼓勵民營的方向發展,本研究以效率觀點探討並比較署立醫院附設護理之家之經營效率,期能提供經營者作為有效率的經營與管理方針之參考。本研究目的在於探討署立醫院附設護理之家之發展現況及營運問題,估算護理之家經營效率,研議改善護理之家之營運策略。 本研究為橫斷性研究,且以郵寄訪談之問卷調查方式將問卷寄給填答者,並請機構管理者填妥問卷寄回,以衛生署2005年所有署立醫院附設護理之家共計17家則為本次研究對象,研究資料收集期間為2005年1月至2005年12月,採用的評估項目為投入項共三項:總樓地板面積、病床數、員工人數。產出項共一項為入住數。將資料置入IDEA軟體執行相關分析,測試投入與產出項是否符合同向性的原則,效率評估採用資料包絡法(DEA)之CCR模式、BCC模式、及SE模式進行分析及研究。研究結果發現; 一、 在CCR模式,僅有七家達到整體效率,以編號9護理之家之值0.663最無效率。 二、 在BCC模式,僅有七家達到技術效率,以編號9護理之家之值0.688最無效率。 三、 在SE模式,僅有七家達到規模效率,有六家處於遞增或遞減不具規模效率,以編號4護理之家之值0.904最無效率。 本研究確認護理之家應用DEA評估效率之可用性,研究分析發現同時具有總體效率、技術效率、規模效率僅有7個DMUs,其中編號8護理之家190床訪查結果較佳,故本研究建議編號8之護理之家較值得作參考,研究結果有助管理者日後提升經營效益評估之參考。


Many long-term care units in national hospitals shifted to BOT or run by private agencies due to financial deficits of Taiwan government in recent years. This research is to explore and compare the operational efficiency between the nursing homes in national hospitals in Taiwan from the viewpoint of the achievements. We hope that the results could offer nursing home managers an effective operation and management guideline. The purposes of this study are to investigate the development and executive problems, to estimate the operational efficiency and to improve the strategies in running the nursing homes in national hospitals in Taiwan. Our study is a cross sectional study. We sent the questionnaires by post to the 17 mangers of nursing homes in national hospitals. Then the questionnaires were send back. Data were collected from January to December 3, 2005 input items are evaluated : The total floor surface area, the hospital bed number and the number of staff members. The output was patient number per day. The Data were analyzed IDEA software , to test the coincidence rate between input & output. We adopted the (DEA) CCR model, BCC model, and SE model to Study the efficiency of execution. The result reveals that: 1. Under the CCR model, only 7 DMUs are in integral efficiency. The worst one was the No.9 nursing home to 0.663 the least efficient. 2. Under the BCC model, only 7 DMUs are in technical efficiency. The worst one is the No.9 nursing home to 0.688 the least efficient. 3. Under the SE model, only 7 DMUs are up to scale efficiency. The other 6 DMUs are in insufficient scale. The worst one is the No.4 Nursing home to 0.904 the least efficient. This study has confirmed the feasibility of applying DEA to assess the efficiency. of the nursing homes. There are only 7 DMUs with the integral efficiency, technical efficiency and scale efficiency. The most efficient one is the No.8 nursing home with 190 beds. This study, therefore, recommends No.8 as a reference unit for the remaining managers to import. The executive efficiency of their nursing homes.


陳世能(2002)。「臺灣地區安養護機構經營效率之分析-資料包絡法」。經濟研究 。38(1),23-56。


