  • 學位論文


The Research of Leisure Sport Needs and Constraints Factors for Senior Citizen in Taichung

指導教授 : 李明榮


台灣因面臨家庭功能的轉型與人口結構的改變,高齡化社會之快速變遷,引發新的需求與問題,已成為政府及民間關注的焦點,因而也須有相對的規劃、因應對策與措施,乃至法規的修訂,俾使立法、政策、服務合一,同時提升銀髮族參與休閒活動行為,亦成為一重要課題。 休閒是現代人生活品質的主要指標之一,隨著時代的改變,對休閒的需求也有不同,以前的人談休閒主要是在追求休閒、放鬆,而現代人則更希望休閒中能得到生理、心理、社會與精神方面的全方健康(wellness)。休閒活動將是二十一世紀人類生活的重要部分(蔡長啟,1993),因此,如何善用閒暇時間,使自己充分獲得放鬆、健康、娛樂、自我成長…等,將是二十一世紀人們面臨的重要課題(葉憲清,1987)。本研究主要透過問卷調查的方式,了解台中市銀髮族從事休閒運動之現況、實際與理論觀念是否存有差異性。統計結果發現,不同性別休閒阻礙之「個人內在」、「結構性阻礙」構面均有顯著差異存在。不同年齡各層面均無顯著差異存在。單身及喪偶者與已婚者在各休閒阻礙因素上,均無顯著差異存在。不同教育程度在各休閒阻礙因素並沒有顯著差異存在。不同職業在「個人內在阻礙」因素上有顯著差異存在。不同個人月收入在休閒阻礙「人際間阻礙」因素層面上,有顯著 差異存在。


Taiwan because of faced with function of the household reforming and population structure change, advanced age society fast vicissitude, initiates the new demand and the question, has become the government and the folk attention focal point, thus also must have the relative plan, in accordance to the countermeasure and the measure, and even laws and regulations revision, so that legislates, the policy, the service gathers one, simultaneously promotes the silver to send the race to participate in the leisure activity behavior, also becomes an important topic. The leisure is the modern people lives one of quality major targets or quotas, along with the time change, also has the difference to the leisure demand, beforehand person discussed the leisure mainly is in the pursue leisure, the relaxation, but modern people then hoped in the leisure can obtain physiological, psychological, social and energetic aspect entire side health (wellness). The leisure activity will be the important part which 21st century humanities live (Cai Changqi, 1993), therefore, how makes good use of the leisure time, causes oneself fully to obtain the relaxation, the health, the entertainment, the self-growth…And so on, will be the important topic which 21st century people face (Ye Xianqing, 1987). This research main penetration questionnaire survey way, understood the Taizhong silver sends the race to be engaged in present situation of the leisure movement, to be actual and the theory idea whether has the difference. The statistical result discovered that, the different sex leisure hinders it "intrinsic individual", "the constitutive hindrance" the construction surface has reveals the difference existence. The disparity in age various stratification planes not reveal the difference existence. Unmarried and losing one's spouse with married in various leisures hindrance factor, not reveals the difference existence. The different education level has not certainly revealed the difference existence in various leisures hindrance factor. The different occupation in the factor has in "individual intrinsic hindrance" reveals the difference existence. The different individual month of income "is interpersonalin the leisure hindrance hinders" in the factor stratification plane, has reveals the difference existence.




