  • 學位論文


Research on the Participation in Recreational Sports for Directors of Student Affairs in Senior High Schools in Taiwan

指導教授 : 許志賢


摘 要 本研究目的旨在瞭解臺灣地區高中職學務主任參與休閒運動現況及阻礙之因素,並將研究結果提供學務主任參與休閒運動及學校當局或主管機關推展休閒運動時之參考,以「臺灣地區高中職學務主任參與休閒運動問卷」為研究工具,共發出471份問卷,回收275份問卷,有效問卷275份,有效回收率達58.3%。資料分析方式包括描述性統計、項目分析、因素分析、t 檢定、單因子變異數、卡方考驗、Fisher´s exact等分析方法,結果發現: 一、參與休閒運動的習慣以「偶而為之」的比例最多,每週參與的次數以「1至2 次」的比例最多;每次參與的時數以「1小時以內」比例最多;參與的時段以「兩者皆是(假日、非假日)」的比例最多;參與的同伴以「友伴」的比例最多;參與的地點以「公共場所」的比例最多;目前最常參與的項目以「散步」的比例最多。 二、不同性別、公私立學校別、學校屬性、年齡層、任職年資、家庭狀況等背景變項的學務主任,在休閒運動阻礙因素構面上,皆未達顯著(p>.05) 。 三、阻礙學務主任參與休閒運動的主要因素為公務壓力,建議學務主任平常應多參與休閒運動,以紓減其壓力。 關鍵字:高中職學務主任、參與休閒運動現況、休閒運動阻礙


Abstract This study is to explore the current status and factors of recreational sports obstacles of directors of student affairs in Taiwan senior high schools participating in recreational sports. The result of the study will be offered to directors of student affairs or educational authorities for reference in promoting recreational sports. The study used questionnaire “Research on Taiwan High School Directors of Student Affairs Participating in Recreational Sports” as the research tool. A total of 471 directors were included in this study. As a result, 275 out of 471 directors completed and returned their questionnaires, with a 58.3% response rate. All 275 returned questionnaires were valid. The methods used in data analysis included descriptive statistics, item analysis, factor analysis, t-test, one-way ANOVA, chi-square and Fisher´s exact. The results are abstracted as follows: 1. Directors of student affairs occasionally engage in recreational sports, once or twice a week, within one hour each time, both on holidays and weekdays, together with friends or colleagues. The way and places they mostly choose to engage in are walking and public places. 2. Although the variables differ in terms of directors’ gender, age, school attribute, sceniority and family background, the factors of recreational sports obstacles are still not apparent(p>.05). 3. The main factor is working pressure which restricts them from eagaging in recreational sports. So the result suggests that directors of student affairs should take more time to engage in recreational sports to relieve their pressure. Keyword:senior high school directors of student affair, recreational sports, recreational sports obstacles.


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