  • 學位論文


A Case Study on the Participatory Factor of Chain Stores for Supermarket under Farmer’s Associations

指導教授 : 黃萬傳


本研究以台東縣境內九個地區農會所屬的十五家及二家委外經營農會超市為研究對象,依職務分為總幹事、供銷部主任、店長、超市員工及全體等五個群組,運用層級分析法(Analytical Hierarchy Process),探討參與連鎖經營的意願因素,分析出意願因素相對權重,依此提出推動農會超市連鎖經營的建議。本研究得到下述結論;台東縣境內各農會超市對發展連鎖經營,應先就經營模式、組織編制、人員任免、供貨來源及方式等制訂一套周延的規章,並共同充分地授權與支持某一單位總管超市連鎖經營事務,此一單位由農委會籌組。此一單位,本於各農會的授權,統一制定經營策略,協助各店就其所在地的風俗民 情建立其特有的經營價值及促銷活動,統籌議價、配送及人員訓練,發揮快速市場應變的功能,以對抗大型倉儲超市及連鎖便利商店的競爭威脅,如此方式可將台東各農會超市利益最大化,經營風險降最低,參與的意願最高。 本研究之意見如下: 1. 農會超市組織發展,應朝向合併或委託經營方式,擴大經濟規模,建立標準化、專業化、效率化的連鎖經營團隊。 2. 整合資訊系統,建立統一的即時的資訊流,高效能的進銷存管理。 3. 建立人才培育訓練制度,為永續經營立基。 4. 建立超市標準作業流程SOP 及績效目標管理制度,維持專業服務品質。 5. 充份運用農業資源強化生鮮農產品之經營特色。 6. 適當的展店,提高市場佔有率,擴大經濟規模。 7. 成立全省物流中心,強化區域中心倉儲配送功能。 8. 建置農會超市電子商務系統,整合配銷運營機制。網路訂購超市取貨。 9. 因應市場需求之變化,掌握進口產品貨源,即時反應消費需求。農會為多元服務的農民團體組織,結合供銷部、產銷班、家政班資源,將農會超市轉型成為「生鮮福利中心」,融入傳統市場食物新鮮度高及人情味的人潮氣氛的優點,朝向生鮮食品、傳統加便利、一般商品福利中心化,及精緻農產品特色化,異業結盟,成為與民眾生活相結合的多功能社區超市。


The targets of this research paper are the fifteen farmer’s association markets belonging to the nine areas in Taitung Province, and the two other markets outside the scope of this area. These are divided according to their job descriptions: general manager, sales director, store manager, market staff, and the entire employee base. Using the Analytical Hierarchy Process, this paper will study their willingness to join a chain store management, and measure the corresponding weight of this factor, so as to provide solid recommendations to promote chain store management among farmer’s association markets. The conclusions of this paper are as follows: For the farmer’s association markets in Taitung Province to develop chain store management, it is necessary that a set of rules and regulations be made about management styles, organizational structure, personnel hiring and layoffs, and supply chain management. Also, all these markets must authorize and support a certain unit to oversee the affairs of the chain stores. This unit will be organized by the farmer’s associations. With the authorization of every association, this unit will set uniform management strategies, and assist each market on their market prices, promotional activities, and personnel training, depending on their location’s culture and trends. This unit will implement fast adaptation to market changes, and defense against large scale warehouse super markets and chain convenience stores. The farmer’s associations of Taitung Province would benefit hugely from this. Management risks are extremely low, and the willingness to participate is high. The views of this paper can be seen below: 1. The organizational structure of the farmer’s associations should be oriented towards a merger or a contractual management style in order to expand financial abilities and establish a standardized, specialized, and efficient chain management team. 2. Integrate data and information systems; establish a uniform and timely data flow, and a highly efficient inventory management. 3. Establish a training system for developing talented individuals for a lasting management. 4. Establish the markets’ standard operating procedures and efficiency management systems, in order to maintain quality products and services. 5. Adequately use the farming industry’s resources in order to strengthen the management of fresh farm products. 6. Suitable store launches, increase market shares and expand financial abilities. 7. Form a provincial center for product flow; strengthen the storage and delivery functions of the provincial center. 8. Form an electronic management information system for the markets, integrate their operations systems. Set up an e-commerce system wherein consumers may reserve goods from the Internet and claim their products at the market. 9. Adapt according to the changing market needs to still have control over the imported products. Farmer’s associations were formed for the farmers providing multiple varieties of services. These combine sales departments, produce departments, household item departments, changing markets to “fresh one-stop welfare centers”. This integrates high freshness and social interaction qualities into the traditional market. Oriented towards fresh produce, this is where traditional is combined with convenience, where everyday products become more centralized, and special produce becomes more specialized, becoming a multi-purpose community market for the public.


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