  • 學位論文


The Awareness of Campus Safety and the Outreach of Safety Awareness Education – the Research Target – Nantou Elementary School

指導教授 : 張庭彰


學校是百年樹人的園地,是教育實施的場所,有安全的校園,師生才能專心致力於教學上,要是校園安全出了問題,一切的教育理念、學習都將付之流水。遊戲場是國小學生下課的主要活動中心,但近年來,兒童遊戲意外頻傳,使我們不得不正視兒童遊戲安全問題的重要性。本研究針對國民小學校園遊戲場安全認知為主要議題,就兒童因素、家庭因素、管理因素、環境因素對遊戲場所安全認知、態度和行為等層面影響進行研究探討。研究對象為南投縣南投國民小學的學童,學童分為對照組、文宣組、教育組,透過問卷調查方式進行前測、後測交叉比較分析,有效收集572份問卷,採取之統計分析方法包含敘述統計、Duncan檢定來探討不同組別變數間之差異性,並採用變異數分析來衡量不同族群對相同問項反應程度之差異性,以期找出國小學童安全認知上的缺陷,作為預防教育的方向。本研究結果顯示低年級和高年級的教育組比文宣組的效果好,文宣活動的方式沒有教育活動方式的效果明顯;中年級的文宣活動與教育活動都有不錯的效果。整體而言,以上課方式進行安全宣導的教育組成效大於其餘兩組,表示以上課方式進行安全宣導的教育組成效最大, 最適合以此方式進行安全宣導,並可有效提昇兒童對於遊戲場所正確的安全行為、態度及認知,本研究結果期望能夠提供有效的教育方式,以達到減少兒童在遊戲場所內發生傷害的目的。


遊戲場 安全認知 遊戲安全


Education is an ongoing continuous process. School campus is a place where this educational ongoing process takes place. No one can carry out this educational process without a safe campus. If campus safety goes wrong, all educational believes and student’s learning process will be interfered. Playground plays a major role in students’ school life next to classroom studying. It is where the students’ recess centers on. Recently, there are numerous reports made to reveal the occurrence of campus accidence. This reveals the importance of campus safety and leads to our focus on those accidence, which requires immediate action towards those accidence in responding the issues. This research focuses on the campus safety and the awareness towards the importance of campus safety education. There are four factors involving the awareness of campus safety. Those factors are school children factor, family factor, administration factor, and the environmental factor. Those factors are studied under the awareness perspective, attitude perspective, and behavioral perspective. The subjects are the students of Nantou Elementary School in Nantou County. Subjects are grouped into controlled group, Advertisement group, and Educational Group. The researcher utilized survey and questionnaires to collect data. There are pre-test and post-test questionnaires. The data are analyzed by cross tabulation comparison. There are 572 valid questionnaires. The research methods involved in this research are descriptive statistics, and Duncan’s multiple comparisons to explore the variances between groups. Also, the variances are analyzed in order to reveal the difference between various subjects in responding the same question items. The objective of this research is to find out the factors involving in school children’s awareness towards campus safety and to provide the authorities a practical standpoint when designing school facilities. The results of this research include the efficacy of the Educational Group, based on the classroom teaching, stands the highest level of significance of all three groups. This result strongly suggests that the classroom teaching should be relied on the outreach of campus safety. Also, the classroom teaching can be used to advance student’s campus safety behavior, attitude and awareness. The results of this research suggest desirable educational patterns for future researchers in the hope that the number of reported accidence can be eliminated.


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