  • 學位論文


A Study on Marketing Communication Strategies for Senior High School Enrollment in Taiwan

指導教授 : 蕭仁傑


台灣高中學生人數逐年降低,高職轉型為綜合高中,家長迷失傳統的明星高中,為吸收入學基測高分群學生,高中學校招生競爭極為激烈。高中學校應用不少的經費及人力,投入招生促銷的工作,對學生及家長影響其選校意願的績效,值得探討及研究,以減少學校及社會的成本與資源浪費。 當前高中學校常進行媒體、活動及資源等三方面的20種行銷溝通動作,從中投區母群體共38校,按學校類型、公私立、城鄉所在地、入學基測分數等的變項,採分配抽樣的方式,抽取樣本18校、學生1010人、家長1010人,以問卷調查及訪問調查進行研究資料的收集,以獲得學生及家長對高中招生行銷溝通影響其選校意願的程度,了解高中學校各種行銷溝通方法的效益。 本論文之研究發現高中招生行銷溝通的動作,足以影響31%的國中畢業生的選校意願,有11%的學生是受影響而進入該校就讀。受影響的高中行銷溝通動作以媒體行銷的學校簡介、網路資訊及刊登廣告,活動行銷的邀請國中畢業生參加體驗營及到國中辦說明會,資源行銷則以頒發入學獎學金最能影響國中畢業生的升學選校意願。 各種行銷溝通動作影響的差異性,活動行銷比媒體行銷影響度顯著,影響度女生大於男生,私立大於公立,鄉鎮大於城市,入學基測分數以200~230分之間的學生最顯著,至於不同類型學校之間則無明顯的差異。 高中招生行銷溝通的動作對家長的影響,有41%的國中畢業生家長會影響其為孩子的選校,尤其高達54%的家長如果再有孩子準備升學高中,仍然會受高中招生行銷溝通的動作影響選校意願。而影響比較顯著的行銷溝通動作,以媒體行銷的學校簡介、學校影片及網路資訊,活動行銷的到國中辦說明會與演講及到高中參加體驗營,資源行銷的提供入學獎學金。 高中學校本身均自認為行銷溝通的動作,對國中畢業生的選校意願會有極高的影響程度。但研究發現家長及學生認同影響的程度不如學校預期的高,尤其學生選校自主性愈來愈高,對行銷溝通動作的認同度較低,建議高中招生行銷溝通對象以學生家長最有效,並儘量採取與學生面對面的行銷溝通。


The number of senior high school students in Taiwan decreases every year. Vocational high schools have become variety-purpose high schools. Taiwanese parents are very attracted by exclusive high schools. Therefore, to attract students who have got high scores on the Basic Examination for School Admission, the recruitment of senior high schools has become extremely competitive. Many senior high schools put a lot of money and efforts into recruitment marketing. To reduce the waste of school resources in trying to attract students, it is worth researching and studying to what extend students and parents are influenced by this when selecting schools. Senior high schools often utilize as many as 20 approaches such as media, activities, and their resources for marketing. This survey of 1010 students and 1010 parents from 18 schools out of 38 in the Taichung and Nan-tou areas was composed according to the variables like school type, if it is a public or private school, location, Basic Examination for School Admission score, etc. to collect data through questionnaires and interviews to see how much students and parents were influenced by marketing communication strategies for senior high school enrollment and also understand if the strategies are efficient. The research indicated that the utilized strategies affected 31% of intermediate high school graduates in some way, and 31% of the graduates when choosing high schools. The most effective marketing communication strategies were: (1).School introduction which uses media marketing, internet information, and advertisements, (2). Activity marketing: to conduct meetings concerning school introductions at intermediate high schools and invite the graduates to an experience camp at the high school,(3). Resource marketing: awarding admission scholarships was found to be the most effective way to obtain intermediate high school graduates to enroll at their high schools. Among the strategies of marketing communication, activity marketing is more effective than media marketing. The degree of efficiency or the influence in comparison are: girls more than boys, private schools more than public schools, and rural places more than urban places. The results also showed that students with scores that range between 200 and 230 in the Basic Examination for School Admission were more obviously affected. However, in respect to different types of schools, the observed effects did not greatly differ. As to the influence of the marketing communication strategy for the parents of high school enrollment, the research has indicated that it affected 41% of the parents of intermediate high school in some way when choosing schools, and 54% of the parents with the second child when they are to choose high schools. The more effective strategies for marketing communication are marketing with media, activities, and resources as mentioned before.


賴其勛 譯(2000)。消費者行為。台北市:滄海書局。


