  • 學位論文


A Research on the Relationship between Human Resource Management and Enterprise Business transformation- Comparison Studies of Z-Company and Benchmark Enterprises in Central Taiwan

指導教授 : 蔡憲六


近多年來因世界經濟已逐漸邁向國際化、自由化與區域化發展,台灣產業面臨著內、外部環境顯著的變遷而受到激烈的衝擊,昔日的競爭優勢日漸喪失,眾多的產業正面臨生死存亡的轉折,如何使台灣產業創新、轉型,進而擴大產業獲利及競爭力,已成為台灣產業永續經營重新出發的重要根本‧ 然而,綜觀企業經營者在因應環境快速變遷中所採取必要之轉型策略時,績效有起有落,究其原因,應是對於廠商有型與無形資源(如財務資源、實體資源、人力資源、技術資源、商譽及組織資源…等)之運用策略有差別所致‧原則上,各項優勢核心資源大致與「人」有密切的關係,唯有做好有效的人力資源管理,企業才能在轉型過程中順暢的用兵遣將、運籌帷幄,決戰於千里之外而無往不利‧故,人力資源管理在企業轉型成功因素中扮演著關鍵性角色‧ 本研究首先經由古今文獻中找尋適合且相關之論述;其次,再藉由產官學界專家豐富的歷練與認知,以問卷方式,尋求其推薦對近代中部地區某些轉型成功企業且足以成為學習之標竿企業做資料蒐集、分析和比較;再次以問卷方式對上述轉型成功標竿企業決策經營者,或最高人力資源管理主管,徵詢其對該企業轉型成功之人力資源管理六大功能相關措施執行狀況,希望經由歸納方法以發掘使企業經營成功的道理‧ 最後,針對本文選擇探討之個案Z公司於其轉型過程中所採措施,與標竿企業總結結果相互比對,企圖以質化研究進行深入的探討其適用條件和範圍之異同點後,以獲得某些有意義的啟發做出結論與建議,供企業擬定轉型策略時之參考‧


In the past years, world-wise economic development of free-trade zones, localization and globalization have made Taiwan industry facing tremendous impacts from internal and external environment changes. This results in the loss of the enterprise competence established from their past experiences and operations. Many of the industries in Taiwan are now in the edge of “live or die” critical situations. The issues about “How to enhance company innovations and business transformations in order to enlarge their enterprise profitability and competences” become the most important objectives for their enterprise continuous operations at this moment. Over-viewing from the taken business transformation strategies to face the fast change of environments, the management efficiencies in different companies are shown up and down respectively. It is also found the main cause is coming from their difference in the operation strategies on their visible and invisible enterprise resources,( including financial resource, physical resource, human resource, technical resource, company reputation and organization resource…etc.). In principle, there is a close relationship between manpower and enterprise core competence. Only if it has an effective management of human resources, the enterprise could have strong manpower and right strategy decisions to ensure its powerful and smooth business transformation. This concludes that human resource management plays one of the key success factors in enterprise business transformation. This research, first of all, devotes itself in collecting the suitable and related academic publications. Secondly, investigating by questionnaires to experts or professors in different expertise fields of industries, government and research institutes, those superior enterprises with successful business transformation in central Taiwan are recommended and become our study models for data collections, analyses and comparisons in the research. Besides the chief executive officers or the human resource managers from these successful business models are further investigated by questionnaires focusing on the conducting actions and their execution status referring to the six major functions of human resource management during their business transformation. Through induction methods, the successful business model is explored and concluded. Finally the comparisons and summaries of the conducting actions between Z-company and the selected superior enterprises during their business transformation are studied. A qualitative research is deeply explored to define their differences, applicable ranges and conditions in each company. Several meaningful conclusions and recommendations are conducted in order to provide references for those enterprises in search for effective business transformation strategies.


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