  • 學位論文


A Research on Integration between ERP & WFMS

指導教授 : 劉士豪


邁入二十一世紀後的企業必須對經營資源做最佳化的配置才能永續經營,目前大多數企業皆已導入企業資源規劃系統(ERP,Enterprise Resource Planning)。隨著企業不斷地成長,公司內部的作業流程更趨複雜,陸續產生營運流程快速轉變及彈性修改的需求,因此企業紛紛建置工作流程管理系統(Workflow Management System)以解決目前ERP系統所缺乏的營運流程,並解決導入ERP系統後,龐大客製化與修改系統的問題,增加ERP系統的彈性,但是如何在建置WorkFlow管理系統時能與既有之ERP系統有效整合,將企業資源做最佳化運用,為公司創造更大利潤,已是目前或未來企業都將面臨的問題。 本研究主要以研究如何將ERP系統與Workflow系統有效整合,以達到快速反應企業流程的轉變及彈性修改的特性,並增加ERP系統的彈性,將企業資源做最佳化運用,提供企業在整合ERP系統與Workflow系統遇到問題需要作決策時的參考。 目前在國內外文獻中探討相關ERP整合的文章大多為經驗談的一般報導,探討企業在整合時問題決策之形成更是未被充份研究,因此本研究採用探索性的個案研究方法,試圖找出ERP與Workflow系統整合時,不同整合類型與解決策略間的關係。研究結果發現了成本、參與者、組織、ERP系統及Workflow系統等因素對企業進行系統整合時不同整合類型的影響。經由本研找出ERP系統與Workflow系統整合的類型及所需考量的影響因素,提供企業在整合ERP系統與Workflow系統時的參考,以幫助企業能有效整合,將企業資源做最佳化運用,為公司創造更大的利潤。


For long term benefits, the enterprises have to do the best allocation of business resource after the 21st century. Most of enterprises have accepted the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system at present. With the enterprises continuously enlarging, the inner operation processes of company become more complicated and generate the requirement of processes instantly switched and elastic amendments. Therefore, many enterprises are anxious to establish the Workflow Management system(WFMS) to solve the problems of lack of operation processes and huge customization and system modification after installing the ERP system, and increase the flexibility of ERP system. However, how to effectively integrate the current ERP system and do the best utilization of enterprise resources to gain the most profit for the company when we install the Workflow Management system is the problem for current or future enterprises. This research mainly aims how to effectively integrate the ERP system and the Workflow Management system in order to increases the flexibility of EPR system. This research adopts the way of exploratory case study, and tried to find the relationship between integration types and solution tactics when the ERP system and the Work Management system integrate. The result of this research discovered that the cost, participants, organizations, ERP system and Workflow system have different influences of integration types on enterprises proceeding with system integration. Our study provided the reference for enterprises when integrating ERP system and Workflow system. Thus, enterprises can have more effective integration and the best utilization of enterprise resources and even gain larger profit.




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