  • 學位論文


A Study On Relationship Among CRM, Customers’ Behavior Intentions, Service Quality And Service Value Of Kenting National Park

指導教授 : 李明榮


本研究針對墾丁國家公園之遊客進行問卷調查,探討遊客對墾丁國家公園之服務品質、服務價值、顧客滿意度及行為意願之關係,並分析參與墾丁國家公園之遊客人口統計變數與旅遊特性,期能根據研究結果作為墾丁國家公園單位後續管理發展之參考。 墾丁國家公園旅遊顧客族群主要以男性較多、年齡層為20歲以下、職業以學生最多、顧客居住地點多集中於南、中部、交通工具以遊覽車及私家汽車居多。顧客對於墾丁國家公園風景區服務人員服務態度、儀容、答覆內容、語氣明顯高於男性,且女性遊客會因為服務專業態度不佳而影響重遊意願、忠誠度,但是男性遊客卻因收費調漲而影響忠誠度的層度比女性低。21-30歲遊客滿意度相對於其他年齡層普遍偏高,但相對的對於服務有不滿意的感受時,會明顯影響其重遊意願。職業類別方面,軍公教普遍滿意度偏高、學生族群滿意度偏低、服務業則是對有人員服務的部分滿意度偏低、硬體方面則偏高。軍公教人員忠誠度也相對偏高。學歷變項方面,國中學歷遊客滿意度偏低、從遊意願也偏低。收入變項方面,無收入遊客大多數為學生族群,對於旅遊地點滿意度偏低。 綜合以上結論可發現,墾丁國家公園旅遊顧客族群大多以學生族群為主,也以團體旅遊方式居多,當旅遊地點人數一多時,則服務品質會有很大的影響。


This study treats about the relationship among service quality, service value, customer’s satisfaction and customer’s behavioral intentions by survey the visitors of Kenting National Park with designed-questionnaire, and also analyzes it’s demographic characteristics and travel characteristics in the expecting of providing the Kenting National Park authority with helpful research results for further managerial development. This study indicates that visitors of Kenting National Park are mostly male, aged under 20, and the majority of them are students, dwell in south or central part of Taiwan, and possess private vehicles or travel by tourist bus. Most male visitor attach importance to the employee’s service attitude, deportments, and the tone and ways they are answering. Visitors aged around 21 to 30 response higher satisfaction when conceiving high quality service while response discontent caused by poorly-treated which decreases their intention of re-visit. In the classification of visitors’ professions, military, civil and teaching personnel response a higher satisfaction and loyalty while students show a lower contentment. Service industry personnel response lower satisfaction to staff service but show a higher satisfaction to equipment service. In the classification of visitors’educational backgrounds, visitors with junior high school degree response lower satisfaction and lower intention of re-visit. Visitors without incomes, mostly are students, show lower satisfaction to the tour location. Above-mentioned conclusions indicate that students dominate the main group of visitors of Kenting National Park, and they mostly travel in group package tour. And the quality of services transforms badly while the amount of tourists is rising.


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