  • 學位論文


A Research of the visitor Travel Mode Choices in Kenting National Park

指導教授 : 熊正一


近年來國內隨著重視休閒旅遊的旅客逐年增加,旅遊業對於國內經濟成長的發展日漸重要。如今在政府積極推動觀光產業的政策下,國人旅遊的人數亦逐年成長,進而增加地方的周邊收入,如果旅遊資源的交通位置閉塞,進出不暢,增加旅遊者往返耗用時間和心理顧慮,前往旅遊的人就會相對減少,進而影響當地旅遊業發展。 在台灣,多數的人都曾經造訪過墾丁,因為墾丁的地理環境極佳、擁有豐富的自然資源與南島風情的氛圍,讓國人甚至是世界各地的人,都想湧入墾丁享受悠閒,放鬆的南島風光。近年來墾丁一直都是國人熱門的渡假聖地,尤其是高鐵通車再加上南北交通便利,南台灣度假勝地墾丁每到旅遊旺季,每日約湧入2萬人次遊客,旅遊相關業者開啟忙碌的「旺季」模式,不斷湧入的車輛在台26線會造成部分路段回堵據《聯合報》報導,尤其關山到恆春鎮區5公里竟要開1小時;導致旅遊業者樂,當地居民悶,如果可增加航空運輸至墾丁,則有助於縮短民眾前往墾丁的時間,及改善當地的交通,降低開車及堵車所造成的二氧化碳排放汙染。但目前要到墾丁,絕大多數都必須自行開車前往或是搭高鐵及客運。其實搭民用航空器來墾丁也可以是交通選項之一。若搭乘台北直達恒春的飛機,價格與搭高鐵到高雄再轉搭客運的費用相當,最主要節省了將近兩個半小時以上的時間,且以恆春機場為中心,遊客可分別前往海生館,佳落水,墾丁,貓鼻頭,四重溪,旭海等恆春半島旅遊景點,交通更為便利。 隨著國民生活水準日益提高,國人旅遊需求日殷,至墾丁地區度假旅遊的人數日漸增加,因此探討赴墾丁旅遊遊客使用民用航空器的可行性,是成立本研究探討目的。本研究採用個體選擇行為模式中的二元羅吉特迴歸模式,作為本研究實證分析之理論基礎,藉由問卷的方式,針對國內遊客,搭乘民用航空器及大眾交通運具赴墾丁旅遊之意願調查,分析旅客在搭乘民用航空器及大眾交通運具赴墾丁旅遊中,時間、距離、金錢效益之研究,可提供中央政府、交通部民航局、觀光局、國防部及屏東縣政府作為評估參考之依據。 本研究的對象是以本國遊客為主,針對本國遊客由各都會區赴墾丁地區觀光旅遊,搭乘運具選擇行為之探討。前往墾丁地區觀光旅遊使用的運具型態,概分直達與轉乘,後者以搭乘大眾交通工具為主,因需要轉乘運具而浪費候車時間,而搭乘民用航空器前往恆春機場,不僅減少轉乘的時間消耗,更富觀光效益,但因搭乘運具成本不同,本研究以三種情境設計,調查過程採問卷方式,研究本國遊客運具選擇模式。


Recently with the importance of domestic leisure travel visitors increased year by year. Tourism is becoming increasingly important for the development of domestic economic grown. Now the policy of the government to actively promote the tourism industry. The number of people travel also grow year by year, thereby increasing the local surrounding income. If the traffic resources of the traffic position is closed, poor access, increase the travel time and psychological concerns of tourists, travel to the people will be relatively reduced, thus affecting the local tourism development. In Taiwan, most of them have been visited Kenting, the reason is that Kenting has an excellent geographical environment, with rich natural resources and the South Island style atmosphere, so people in Taaiwan and even people around the world who want to visit Kenting and enjoy it. In recent years, Kenting has always been a popular holiday destination, especially high-speed railway in the north and south transport convenient. South Taiwan resort Kenting every tourist season, the daily influx about 20,000 tourists, tourism-related industry to open the busy "season" mode. The influx of vehicles on the Taiwan line 26 will cause some sections of the back to block. According to United Daily News, especially it spends one hour, only five km from Guanshan to Hengchun town. It leads travelers feel happy and the locals feel unhappy. If we can increase air transport to Kenting, it will help shorter time for people to travel to Kenting and improve local traffic, to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from driving and traffic jams. Currently to Kenting, most of them have to drive to their own or take high-speed raiwayl. In fact, take civil aircraft to Kenting can also be one of the traffic options. If take the airport from Taipei to Hengchun, the price and take the high-speed railway to Kaohsiung and then transfer the cost of passenger transport quite. The most importantly is to save of nearly two and a half hours or more, and to Hengchun Airport as the center, tourists can be in Hengchun tourist attractions alone, traffic is more convenient. With the increasing standard of living of the people, people travel behavior become more and more common. The number of holiday trips to the Kenting area is increasing, so to explore the feasibility of using civil aircraft to go to Kenting tourists, is the purpose of this study. In this study, we used the Binary Ringgit model in the individual behavior, as the theoretical basis of the empirical analysis of this study. By the questionnaire, for domestic tourists, take the civil aircraft and public transport to Kenting tourism will survey, Analysis of passengers in the civil aircraft and public transport to Kenting tourism, time, distance, the study of monetary efficiency, we can provide the central government, Pingtung County Government as the basis for assessment reference. The object of this study is based on Taiwan tourists, for domestic tourists from the every area to Kenting area tourism, a discussion on the behavior of traffic. To Kenting area tourism use of the type of transport, direct access and interchange, the latter to take the public transport-based. Because of waiting time due to the need for interchange, people who take a civil aircraft to Hengchun Airport, not only reduce the interchange of time consumption but also more rich tourism benefits. However, due to the different cost of transport, this study is designed in three situations. The survey process adopts questionnaire to study the mode of selection of domestic tourists.


