  • 學位論文

文化創意產業品牌形象與忠誠度之研究 -以田尾鄉公路花園為例

The study of brand image and loyalty of cultural creative industry in Tien Wei Highway Garden

指導教授 : 陳朝鍵


本研究以遊客旅遊體驗、品牌形象及遊客滿意度與忠誠度間之關係為研究主題,並以公路花園遊客為實證分析對象。 本研究依據所回收的問卷調查進行整理與資料分析,針對遊客對於到公路花園的旅遊體驗、品牌形象、滿意度及忠誠度四個構面的相關性,以敘述性統計加以分析說明,最後以獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數(One-way ANOVA)分析社經背景遊客對於到公路花園的旅遊體驗、品牌形象、滿意度及忠誠度的影響因素,並且以Scheffe事後檢定確認影響的差異。 研究結果發現: 一、到田尾公路花園的遊客受限交通與地理環境之影響以中部民眾居多。 二、遊客公路花園旅遊體驗與遊客對公路花園品牌形象的認知顯著性呈現高度正相關。 三、遊客對公路花園品牌形象的認知與遊客公路花園旅遊滿意度呈現高度正相 關;遊客認知愈深對田尾公路花園滿意度愈顯現積極正面的影響效果。 四、遊客公路花園旅遊滿意度與遊客公路花園旅遊忠誠度呈現顯著高度正相關。 五、遊客對於田尾公路花園旅遊滿意度,整體評價是屬於較具正面意涵之滿意度。 本研究結果將可提供田尾公路花園管理單位經濟部商業司、彰化縣政府觀光局、田尾鄉公所農業觀光課及業者作為未來營運之參考。


In this study, tourist’s experience and brand image and the relationship between tourist’s satisfaction and loyalty were studied and the tourists of “Tien Wei Highway Garden” were the studied subjects. Based on the received inquiry letters, the study used the description statistics to analyze the relationship between tourist’s experience, brand image, tourist’s satisfaction and tourist’s loyalty. Finally, the independent sample t test and one-way ANOVA were used to analyze the effects of the tourist’s social and economic background on tourist’s experience, brand image, tourist’s satisfaction and tourist’s loyalty and the variance of effect was confirmed with Scheffe. The study results indicate that: 1. The majority of tourists of “Tien Wei Highway Garden” came from central Taiwan. 2. The relationship between tourist experience and brand image showed significantly positive correlation. 3. The relationship between tourist’s recognition of brand image and satisfaction also showed significantly positive correlation. 4. The relationship between tourist’s satisfaction and loyalty also showed significantly positive correlation. 5. In the general, tourists were content with sightseeing at “Tien Wei Highway Garden”. The results of this study provide information to the administration and entrepreneurs of “Tien Wei Highway Garden” for future management references.


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