  • 學位論文

利用RFID 建構游泳訓練之時間監控系統

Implementing a monitoring system for swimming training by using RFID

指導教授 : 呂克明 曹世昌


本研究基於游泳訓練管理及記錄選手訓練過程之需要,而提出一種具有效率的訓練時間監控系統。目前基層教練訓練選手,大部分仍使用紙、筆記錄選手秒數。游泳訓練期有時將長達三個月,每日的訓練過程若要用紙、筆做成紀錄,不但準確度與效率差且耗費人力。調整訓練計畫時,必須參考每位選手的訓練紀錄,更要耗費大量的時間、人力來整理。因此如何將每位選手的訓練過程留下完整紀錄即變得相當重要。 本文旨在探討結合RFID 以設計游泳訓練之時間監控系統,當配戴RFID Tag 選手在設有RFID Reader 水道訓練時,透過無線網路傳送代碼至系統主機,資料庫即可記錄選手訓練成績,並管理選手休息時間,來減輕教練之負擔。在數位科技蓬勃發展的時代,透過電腦化管理來作業流程已是現今的趨勢,本次研究是以 RFID 系統為主,利用筆記型電腦與資料庫的結合,紀錄訓練作業,使教練訓練更為多功,以游泳訓練計時監控需求,將 RFID 特性的呈現出來,並結合網路及資料庫的技術來建構一個能夠監控訓練時間的系統。藉由監控系統的監控運動期、休息期可以提升訓練效果。節省教練人力並可以留下完整紀錄。


An efficient training monitoring system has been proposed in this research to meet the swimming training management and the demanding of recording the training process. At present most of the coaches in the beginning level training still use paper, notes to record the contesters down to the seconds. It may take three months for swimming training course, and daily recording by paper or notes will cause inaccuracy, inefficiency, and waste of man power. It will take a lot of time and manpower to adjust training program based on the records of each individual contender in the period of training. Therefore, it is very important completely to record the training process for each individual. The main purpose in this research is to implement a swimming training monitoring system by using RFIS. When the RFID-tagged contesters are trained in the RFID-READER installed swimming water lane, the training records of contesters will be sent to the host computer by wireless network. Therefore the database will be used to record the training result and monitor the rest time of contesters, and therefore reduce the burden of coaches. In this blooming era of digital technology, using computerized stewardships of operational procedures has become a trendy fashion. This research mainly uses the RFID system. Using the method of incorporated notebook and database, the trainer can be able to multitask. The researcher presents the characteristics of RFID in the need of monitoring time in a swimming training program. And, through the incorporated techniques of Internet and data bank, a system, which the training time can be monitored, will be constructed. The monitoring system reminds the athlete and monitors the exercise period and the recess period of the athletes will help athletes reach the efficiency of training. The system saves man power and records all the details.


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