  • 學位論文


Application of a Conversation Agent in HFC Network –A Cable TV Broadband Network

指導教授 : 陳士農


在Internet 的蓬勃發展帶動下,媒體產業與通訊產業已發生了產業聚合的現象,從新版電信法與有線廣播電視法中對有線電視業和電信事業跨業經營的禁令解除,及固定通信網路服務的開放等情況來看,我國政府單位對於全球產業聚合之潮流也逐漸重視。另一方面,因為我國正積極推動台灣成為亞太營運中心,而電信中心又為其它中心之樞紐,此舉將使得我國的電信服務事業邁向新紀元,也進一步為有線電視業與電信事業的跨業經營行為加溫。 本研究之主要目的就是探討有線電視業轉型成電信業時,該如何提升品質,並透過交談式軟體代理人將所有的網路相關設備納入監控,並於設備發生異常時能立即警示相關人員,以減少判斷的時間,並能夠提早發現問題的所在而加以解決。


Global integration has occurred between media and the communication industry via the rapid development of the Internet. From the perspective of removing limitation in co-operation between cable television (CATV) stations and mobile businesses, and liberalization of fixed-line communication services in the new edition of Communication Law and Cable Radio and Television Law, the Taiwanese government values global industrial integration. Additionally, the Taiwanese government actively attempts to situate Taiwan as the business center of the Asia Pacific Region. All of the above-mentioned factors contribute to the integration of cable TV stations and mobile industries, leading the mobile communication industry into a new era. This study examines quality advancement in the transition from a CATV industry to a mobile communication industry. Via conversation agents, all related network modules are monitored and can immediately respond to MIS administrators in an emergency, taking the decision process to solve the abnormal problems and reducing the response time to increase service quality.




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