  • 學位論文


Computerized Adaptive Test for Evaluating Mathematics Achievement of Mentally Retarded Students

指導教授 : 劉湘川


摘要   目前國內外以試題反應理論(Item Response Theory)探討智能障礙學生的表現情形與潛在特質(latent traits)或能力(abilities)間關係的研究並不多,本論文以由師大心測中心發展國中基本學力測驗的關鍵核心技術IRT為基礎,將試題反應理論及電腦化適性測驗評量原理應用於特殊教育領域,希望能發展出一套適合身心障礙學生能力評估且兼具科學理論基礎之可行模式。   本研究探討以高職特教班課程綱要編製實用數學能力重要指標及試題,運用試題反應理論三參數對數模式分析,以了解高職特教班學生實用數學程度。最後建置高職特教班實用數學鑑定適性測驗系統,以提供個別學生最大訊息量試題為適性選題策略,由網際網路遠距線上施測,根據受試者各答題組型,決定其能力可能落點,並藉由電腦強大運算能力,即時選題施測。   本研究結果發現: 1. 專家建立指標試題模式適用於智能障礙學生數學能力鑑定,並建立符合試題反應理論之三參數對數模式。 2. 三參數對數模式可以精確估計輕度智能障礙學生數學能力:解決以往囿於智能障礙學生功能限制,以致命題題數少而得分相同之人數過多情形,能有效鑑別學生能力差異。 3. 電腦化適性測驗符合特殊教育「個別化」、「適性化」精神:本系統每個學生線上施測的題次均不同,以最符合個別學生能力試題進行評量。施測結果節省試題及作答時間平均達23.56%,且仍能準確評估個別智能障礙類學生數學能力。 關鍵詞:試題反應理論、電腦化適性測驗、高職特教班、特殊教育


ABSTRACT Referring to the Item Response Theory (IRT), there are actually few researches of the relation between the performance and the latent traits or the abilities of mentally retarded students. The prime goal of this study is to introduce IRT and Computerized Adaptive Test (CAT) to special education, hoping to develop a feasible way to evaluate mentally retarded students’ ability with a scientific method. This research will include the analysis of course outlines and assessment constructed out of three-parameter logistic model in the subject of practical mathematics for students in special arranged classes established at vocational schools. By using course outlines, we may accurately predict students’ ability in practical math. With the better understanding of students’ ability in the subject, we can then use it as a basis to construct a useful CAT system on the network. By the powerful calculation of the computer, the CAT system can immediately assigns question to target students by their item response pattern. The pool of questions consider offering the largest amount of information to subject. The results of research are: 1. The established index test model is in accordance with the mathematics ability evaluation for mentally retarded student. This index paper accorded with IRT of three-parameter logistic model. 2. Three-parameter logistic model can accurately evaluate mild mentally retarded student's mathematics ability. It also solves the problem of the classical test which often fails to effectively present mentally retarded students’ ability because it has the defect of giving out small number of questions and having too many people resulted in the same test score. 3. The CAT meets the ‘Individualized’ and ‘Adaptive’ needs of what is requited in special education. By the system, each student who takes the online tests will face different series of questions. In line with student’s individual ability, the amount of questions on the test will be given accordingly. The result of examining can save the examination questions and answering time up to 23.56% in average. Moreover, we also can exactly evaluate specific mentally retarded student's mathematics ability accurately. Keyword: item response theory, computerized adaptive test, special education




