  • 學位論文


Building a Multimedia Online System For Teaching Similar Chinese Characters

指導教授 : 林新力


中文摘要 千變萬化的中國文字兼具形、音、義及用法等要項,而且中文字數量繁多,許多字的部首與偏旁也極為相似,如「戊」﹑「戌」﹑「茂」。他們有些字形相近,但應用法則不一,若不能按字的意思做適當的使用,不但貽人笑柄,甚至會造成很多誤解。 中小學生常把「棘手」念成「辣手」,把「唾手可得」念成「垂手可得」,俗語說:「有音讀音,無音讀邊。」使得有些錯誤的讀音廣泛流傳,影響所及,在不自主的情況下容易寫出錯別字來。這種情形屢見不鮮,積非成是的結果常常讓中小學生的學習倍感困擾。 因此本網路教學系統採用多媒體方式來製作,建構一套淺顯易學的「多媒體相似中文字網路教學系統」,本系統功能規劃上較著重於互動式的學習導向,系統功能上除了電腦輔助教學的多媒體課程教材外,並有設計方便學習者自我學習評量,不但能滿足學習者的需求,並能提高學習者學習相似中文字的興趣與效率。 關鍵字:相似中文字,網際網路學習,多媒體,多媒體網際網路教學。


Abstract There are countless numbers of Chinese characters in Chinese writing system. They are categorized into different categories such as by the form, the sound, meaning and usage. The number of Chinese characters in Chinese writing system may be countless; their meanings of each character may be quite different as well. Although Some shared similar radicals, their meanings may totally different as it appeared. For example, Xu (戌)、Wu(戊) and Mao(茂) those three Chinese Characters may look similar, but they sound differently, mean differently and use in the total different situations. If one determines its meaning by its form, he/she may become the target of stupidity. The researchers found that there are many mistakes made by local Chinese learners along their learning process. The problems arise from the confusion of the similar form of the Chinese characters. Problems even appear in the process of learning how to write. The situations are common, yet, it draws frustrations to those Chinese students, too. Therefore, Building a Multimedia Online System For Teaching Similar Chinese Characters to assist students’ Chinese character learning. It is a user friendly system and it is tailored to interactive learning. The content of this system not only includes learning itself but also includes the exercises and self-evaluation. The goals are to meet the learners’ goals in learning Chinese characters, to bring interests in learning Chinese Characters, and to facilitate the effectiveness of learning Chinese Character Keywords: Similar Chinese Characters, Internet-based learning, Multimedia.


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