  • 學位論文


Software Outsourcing Framework Using Function Point Analysis

指導教授 : 莊志洋


在專業分工與市場競爭日趨激烈的現今企業經營環境中,資訊系統委外(Outsourcing)是普遍為企業所採用的一種做法。資訊系統委外雖然可為企業帶來開發成本降低、爭取時效等等的優點,然而若是對委外開發流程未能加以妥善的控管,不但可能無法對企業產生正面的效益,往往還有可能會導致時程延誤、成本增加等等許多的問題。 在資訊系統委外的作業流程中,委外開發價格的制定是一項很重要的課題。國內現有的資訊系統委外作業流程規範中對於委外開發價格的制定,仍尚未有一個很明確與客觀依循的方法,致使現今國內資訊委外開發價格的制定仍大多是仰賴專案經理主觀的經驗判斷,也因此缺乏一個客觀衡量的標準。因此本論文的主要目的是提出一個基於功能點分析之軟體專案預估技術的「改良式資訊委外作業模式架構」。此改良式流程模式具有以下兩個主要的優點:(1)如質:每次資訊委外專案的專案功能點數、完成時程、承包金額等相關資料都將會被量化儲存於公司的知識庫中,可以作為承包廠商績效評量與挑選的一個很重要的依據;(2)如期/預算:依據客觀且量化之功能點數來度量軟體大小(Software Size),不同的發包廠商可依據知識庫的內容,更改組織參數作出合理的調整,以求得最接近軟體開發成本的估算值。 本研究亦基於所提出的「改良式資訊委外作業模式架構」,以國內某應用系統服務商的實際軟體委外專案為例,對其委外專案的軟體工作量做一個估算,並與實際工時系統加以比對,以驗證本研究所提出架構的合理性與有用性。


Under the present drastic competition in business world, outsourcing has become a trend of enterprises to attain the professional division of labor. Although information system outsourcing can reduce the development cost and increase efficiency for enterprises, lacking of control to the outsourced development process will bring negative effect to the enterprises, such as the delay of the project schedule and the increasing cost. In the process of information system outsourcing, the estimation of the cost for an outsourcing information system is a very important issue. However, so far there is no definite and objective method to estimate the outsourced software price in the software outsourcing processes. Consequently, most of the outsourced software development price is made by the subjective empirical judgment of the project managers. The primary objective of this thesis is to propose a ‘Reformed Software Outsourcing Process Model’ based on the famous function point analysis (FPA)-based software estimation technique. Such the ‘Reformed Software Outsourcing Process Model’ provides the below advantages: (1) Quality control: to quantify the project function points, development schedule and the related information and store them in the company’s knowledge base. This information can be used as a very important basis for selecting and evaluating outsourcing vendors. (2) On time and cost control: to measure the software size by the objective and quantified function point. Different outsourcing vendors can modify their organization’s parameters to make reasonable adjustment based on the history data in the knowledge base in order to get the closest estimate for the software development cost. A case study provided by a Taiwan application service provider is also presented in this thesis to demonstrate the usefulness of our proposed ‘Reformed Software Outsourcing Process Model’. This case study estimates the software development effort of an outsourced project as well as compares it with the actual working hours in order to verify the usability and reasonability of the reformed outsourcing processes proposed in this thesis.


[12]IEEE/EIA Standard, IEEE/EIA 12207: (ISO/IEC 12207) Standard for Information Technology—Software life cycle processes, 1998.
[1]中華民國品質學會(財團法人資訊工業策進會委託),政府資訊系統採購作業手 冊。台北市:經濟部工業局,民國91年12月。
[3]周文,「軟體專案的預估利器-功能點分析法(Function Point Analysis)」,軟體產業通訊No.50,p.57-p.62,2003年4月。
[4]朱慧德,IEEE/EIA 12207軟體生命週期發展標準,參考網址:http://www.syscom.com.tw/mag/77/standard_01.htm


顏宏銓(2008)。以模糊層級分析法探討 台灣地區影響軟體專案成本因素〔碩士論文,長榮大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6833/CJCU.2008.00057
