  • 學位論文


A Study of Performance Evaluation Indicators of Industry Portal Using Analytic Hierarchy Process Method

指導教授 : 郭人介 胡同來


由於網際網路的蓬勃發展及面對加入WTO後激烈競爭的環境,為提升企業競爭力,政府積極鼓勵各產業公協會發展入口網站,期望能促進廣大中小企業運用e化技術、提升其生產、服務的品質與效益,而入口網站重要的功能是提供顧客資訊的服務,故服務的績效是非常重要的因素。 本研究以經濟部中小企業處輔導建置的產業公協會入口網站為對象,透過國內外文獻探討,彙整出本研究之評估指標,並篩選出重點評估指標,建構出「產業公協會入口網站績效評估重要指標」之層級結構,發放問卷予各產業公協會填寫,運用AHP分析層級程序法進行分析,得出影響產業公協會入口網站績效評估指標之權重,並配合一致性比率做為層級結構一致性之驗證。結果顯示:使用者認為維護績效稍重要於營運績效,而在營運績效方面則以「資訊使用」為優先考量,在維護績效方面則以「資訊品質」重要於「入口網站品質」,在「資訊使用」準則中,以「入口網站首頁瀏覽的次數」佔權重值最高,而「資訊品質」準則中,則「網站資訊為使用者所需」及「服務申辦正確可信任」所佔權重較高,應予重視,在「入口網站品質」準則中,以「提供網路認證與加密服務」及「連線穩定」佔權重較高,也是使用者關注的評估指標。 本研究成果能作為產業公協會在建置及維護入口網站時檢視整體績效時的一個參考指標,作為政府未來推動國內產業公協會採用的入口網站之輔導政策參考。


入口網站 績效評估 AHP


Due to the vigorous development of the internet and the steep competitive environment since joining the WTO, the government attempts to increase the competitive ability of enterprises by actively promoting the development and building of internet portals among the various industrial associations; hoping to further the use of electronic technology among the general small and medium enterprises to increase their productivity, quality of the service and efficiency. The main function of the portals is to provide information for the customers; hence the effectiveness of the service is a crucial factor. This research takes the internet portal that is build by the various industrial associations with the assistance by the Small and Medium Enterprise Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs as the subject. After considering various domestic and foreign publications, this research has summed up the various evaluation criteria and has identified the key evaluation criteria to form the level structure of the “Key Evaluation Criteria for the Efficiency of Industry Internet Portals”. Questionares are distributed among the various industry associations and AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) was used to obtain the weight of each “Key Evaluation Criteria for the Efficiency of Industry Internet Portals”. Result shows: the users think that the maintenance efficiency is slightly more important than the operational efficiency. Among the operational efficiency the “use of information” has the first consideration, and among the maintenance efficiency the “quality of the information” is more important than the “quality of the internet portal”. For the principle of the “use of information”, “the frequency of viewing the front page of the internet portal” carries the most weight. For the principle of the “quality of information”, “website information meeting the needs of the user” and “the accuracy and the reliability of the application service” carry the most weight and should be given the most attention. For the principle of the “quality of the internet portal”, “stability of the connection,” and “provision of security and authentication service” carry the most weight and is a main concern among the users relating to the evaluation criteria. The result of this research may be used by any related office as a reference when evaluating the overall efficiency of building and maintaining internet portals. It also provides information regarding the mechanism of evaluation and efficiency of operation and maintenance of the domestic industrial association’s internet portals; thus may be used by the government as a reference in forming future policies when promoting the use of internet portals among domestic industrial associations. Keywords:Portal,Performance Evaluation,Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP)


Portal Performance Evaluation Indicators AHP


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