  • 學位論文


Applying Neural Network at Customer Relationship Management in Leisure Business ---A Case Study of Whale-Watching Ecotourism

指導教授 : 林士彥 謝俊逸


在政府的觀光事業政策中,生態旅遊為東部的重點發展之一,而台灣地理得天獨厚,在其周邊海域上至少有26種以上的鯨豚紀錄,自1997年起,國內的賞鯨公司已達19家,而參與賞鯨的人數也逾二十萬人,賞鯨活動及其配套行程甚至為東海岸地區帶入可觀的觀光商機。在賞鯨活動日益發展之下,賞鯨業者必須對賞鯨內容及其服務品質加以改善,以期提昇自身的競爭力並獲得顧客滿意度。透過顧客關係管理(Customer Relationship Management, CRM)之應用,除了可讓賞鯨業者了解顧客的特性,使業者能在前期的行銷策略上,推出更吸引顧客的旅遊方案及服務,也能對後期的顧客滿意度做一了解,找出所要改善的服務項目,進而利用CRM來發掘潛在的顧客。 本研究以賞鯨生態旅遊為例,利用問卷得知賞鯨服務品質與滿意度數據,再以SPSS分析目前賞鯨生態旅遊其服務品質和顧客滿意度,並加入生活型態與人口變數,探討消費者的生活型態、人口變數是否會影響服務品質與滿意度的判斷,並進一步利用類神經網路分析服務品質、顧客滿意度、生活型態間的關聯。 本研究目的可歸納為以下幾點:1.找出在賞鯨生態旅遊中消費者所重視的服務品質項目。2.找出消費者對於重要服務品質項目的滿意度為何。3.將消費者做分群與判別,了解賞鯨生態旅遊顧客型態。4.提出相關建議,協助賞鯨公司在日後之顧客管理,以進行顧客型態判別。


One of the important policies of Taiwan government on tourism industry is to developed Ecotourism on the east coast, and the geographic advantages of the east Taiwan is that there are more than 26 kinds of whale and dolphin existing at this coast area. Since 1997, 19 whale-watching tour companies have been built-up, and more than 200,000 people have joined the whale-watching activity; therefore, compound tour sets have even brought substantial business opportunity to the east coast area. While the whale-watching activities have gradually developed, the business proprietors should improve the event and the service quality of the tour in order to increase customers’ satisfaction. Accordingly, application of customer relationship management (CRM) not only can help the proprietors realize the characteristics of customers, and create more effective marketing strategy, but also assist them realize customers satisfaction after the service, discover problems that need to be modified; moreover, applying CRM is useful to capture potential customers. This study takes the whale-watching ecotourism as an example. We obtained data of service quality and customer satisfaction by questionnaires, and then analyze the service quality and customer satisfaction of whale ecotourism by SPSS. Besides, we also examine whether the population statistics would influent the service quality and satisfaction or not. Furthermore, we apply Neural Network to analyze the relationship between service qualities, customer satisfaction, and life style. This study summarizes as the following points: 1. To discover service quality factors that customers cares about during the whale-watching ecotourism. 2. To study consumers satisfaction about the important service quality items. 3. To realize the characteristics of tourists by performing cluster and discrimination on consumers. 4. To provide relevance suggestions to help whale-watching ecotourism companies realize and manage their customers.


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