  • 學位論文


Configured computer system by bar-code serialization for computer industry

指導教授 : 曹世昌


早期資訊不發達的年代,消費者並沒有太多的選擇,當時的物資不豐,產品少樣多量,企業重視的是如何大量生產相同的產品,忽略了個別消費者的使用需求。隨著時代的改變,消費者的意識漸漸抬頭,科技的進步大幅改善了產能的問題,豐富的物資加上資訊流通迅速,消費者開始注意到個人化的產品,在這個競爭激烈的年代,消費者可以很容易的從網際網路上得到其他廠商的資訊,迫使企業將原本的重心從產能上面轉移到消費者的身上,然而注重客製化的產品帶來的卻是產品多樣化的問題,相同型號的產品可能會有不同的內容元件等差異,目前的作法,除了冀望使用者自行處理,另一方面則是統一交由工程人員來處理,雖然可以有效的解決產品的售後問題,但是卻加重了工程人員的負擔並且拖慢了顧客問題的反應時間。 商品條碼最早是由美國超級市場公會所推廣,它是為了在大型賣場中幫助作業自動化而產生,每個一條碼代表著一項同類型的商品,可以說是同類型商品的身份證統一編號,但是並未追蹤至每個獨立的商品,過去僅用來作商品批號。隨著客製化產品的來臨,只用商品上的批號(或是品號)條碼來追蹤查詢,對於原有的ERP系統來說是不夠的,特地再建置一套專屬的客服系統或是追蹤系統,卻也有成本增加及資料間同步的問題,故本研究利用條碼便於輸入的功能及獨立性,提出以建立序列化條碼的方式,將所有的元件及產品配予一個獨立的身分證號碼,希望能透過這樣的方式,追蹤到每一個產品及元件,並藉由一中介性的資料庫-序號條碼資料庫的建立,來整合後端已有的ERP資料庫,形成序號條碼資料倉儲,讓前端的客服系統或是品質追蹤管理系統來使用,以期能夠提供出夠完善的售後服務,並為企業帶來潛在的助益。


In early period, customer had no more choices because goods and materials were not abundant. With the growing of era, information technology and Internet, customer’s ideology developed gradually. Abundant goods and information make customers start to focus on customize product. They can get much information of other companies from Internet. These use companies to turn their focus on customers from productive ability. However, customize products bring the problem of product variety. They may have different components in the same model name. To solve this problem, companies let customers solve the problem themselves or let companies’ engineers solve the problem. But engineers solve the problem will make more burdens on their shoulders, and this will make the response time slowly in customer service center. So how to provide a quickly perfect service and trace each independent component will be a good research question. Product barcode begins to use workflow automatic and reduces the cost. Each barcode represents each product’s model. They usually use like model number and can’t trace to each product. This is not enough to use today. Our research builds a barcode serialization system to give each component and product an ID number. Our objective is to employ concepts and technologies about using serialization barcode database connect with ERP database to build a serialization barcode information data warehouse. In this system, we can build a more efficiently customer service system and a quality trace system to provide more good services to our customers. We believe these will improve customers and companies’ relationship and bring more profits.


serialization barcode quality CRM customize data warehouse


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