  • 學位論文


Application System Integration for Distributed Local Government Offices

指導教授 : 曹世昌


因全球資訊網(World Wide Web;以下簡稱Web)技術於近年來蓬勃且快速發展,企業以至於政府機關如何利用Web技術,有效率在Web環境下建置適合的Web應用系統,將分散放各個地方的應用系統整會於集中式的資料庫(Centralize Database)。 近年來,我政府積極推動電子化政府有很好的成績,在國際間更逐漸受到肯定,以及民眾、企業對政府服務功能提升的殷切期盼,而現在電子化政府主要都是由上而下推動,然而一般民眾最常接洽的基層機關(公所),大多還是使用傳統個人電腦單層架構,或是兩層式(2-tier)的主從架構系統,如何將公所應用系統推向多層式(N-tier)架構是一種趨勢。 此研究將分析公所的資訊設備現況及網路、作業平台架構,如何透過Web快速開發動態網頁技術,以縣市政府為中心,整合縣內數十個分散於各個鄉鎮的公所資訊系統,本論文將以公所社會福利系統為例,利用Web技術實作整合社會系統,以集中式資料庫資訊系統管理中心架構的應用系統,將以建立一個三層式架構(3-tier),節省重複建檔的人力資源及簡化公所資訊設備環境。


The World Wide Web technology is in rapid and blooming nowadays, the application systems among private enterprises and governments have been converting in centralize database. The promotion and motivation champion in electronic modernization of our government had gained a good result in the past few years and was recognized by the international. How our government to offer better services is become the hope and demand of society. The motivation and promotion of electronic modernizations of our government is from the top to down. However, as the consequent of most people can contact the Local Government Services are using Personal Computer as single-tier architecture or 2-tier(Client/Server architecture) computer system, there is a trend toward N-tier architecture computer system to copy with the demands. In this reseach will carry on facilities, network and computer system of the Local Government Services, and find out the ways in develop web technology in the all Local Governments which will be built-up a centralize database in 3-TIER, and can be utilized effectively and economically.


centralize database 2-tier 3-tier n-tier


【1】 行政院研究發展考核委員會,電子化政府報告書九十二年度電子化政府之挑戰與契機,台北:行政院研究發展考核委員會,2003
【2】 http://oa.dra.rdec.gov.tw
【3】 高橋麻奈著、徐許信,學資料庫的第一本書,台北,博碩文化,2003
【4】 http://www.rdec.gov.tw/mis/egcio/gov_A.html
