  • 學位論文


The Development Trends and Prospects of Taiwan's Biotech Industry

指導教授 : 張培均


摘要 生技產業是近年來最具發展前景的產業,從1980年代我國開始重視生物技術的發展,迄今已將近30年。在政府利多政策的導引之下,我國的生技產業也日漸成長茁壯,2007年我國生技產業營業額為新台幣1,912 億元,在政府與民間積極推動下,生技產業繼電子資訊產業後,將有機會成為下一波推動經濟成長的主力產業。 本研究以財團法人生物技術開發中心(簡稱生技中心, Development Center for Biotechnology, DCB)所出版的台灣生技產業名錄2006,書中所登錄的363家廠商為研究對象,以書中所劃分的十二領域(1.生技醫藥2.再生醫療3.生醫材料4.醫用診斷5.生物晶片6.食品生技7.特用化學生技8.農業生技9.環保生技10.生技服務業11.西藥12.中草藥新藥)進行特性分析。 我們發現,產業領域別與公司成立年數之間的差異性,達顯著水準。產業領域別與公司生技員工數之間差異性,達顯著水準。實收資本額與公司員工總數之間顯著正相關。在363家樣本廠商中,有38家公司已經上市或上櫃,在這38家公司中,經過分析,「已成立年數與員工總數」,「員工總數與實收資本額」以及「實收資本額與已成立年數」皆為顯著正相關。而「每股盈餘」與「研發佔營收比」,為顯著負相關。 本論文在進行過程中所蒐集之生技公司相關資料,目前已建立一網頁資料庫提供公用查詢,資料庫網址為:。 關鍵字:皮爾森相關係數、單因子變異數分析、相關分析、迴歸分析。


Abstract Biotechnology is the most promising industries in the recent years. Since 1980, it has been developed about 30 years under the policy guidance of government in Taiwan and has a turnover of 191.2 billion dollars in 2007. So far, biotech industry has the opportunity to be the next wave of economic growth after the electronic information industry. According to the book “Foundation of Taiwan Biotech Industry Directory 2006” published by Development Center for Biotechnology (DBC). There are twelve fields of biotech industries being defined, that including therapeutic biological products, regenerative medicine, biomaterial, diagnostics, biochips, food biotechnology, specialty biochemicals, agricultural biotechnology, environmental biotechnology, biotechnology/pharmaceutical services, pharmaceuticals, and Herbal Medicine. In this study, we applied descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and regression analysis to decipher the developing tendency and affect factors regarding the twelve fields. All of the analyses were performed by SPSS and EXCEL. We found that, the distribution of company founding time among the twelve industry fields exist significant difference. The staff number among different industry fields also exhibit significant difference. In the 363 sample manufacturers, there are 38 companies have already enter the stock market. In these companies, it exhibit positive correlation between the following pairs of factors: company founding time and staff number, staff number and paid-in capital, paid-in capital and founding time. On the other hand, the correlation between research budget and earnings per share exhibit negative correlation. All the data of companies in this study have been built in the web database: This database is continues to update and public available. Key words: Pearson correlation coefficient, one-way ANOVA, correlation analysis, regression analysis


【1】 張進福,「2008 生技產業白皮書」,經濟部工業局,民國九十七年七月,頁II-III。
【2】 孫智麗,「台灣生技產業發展現況與產業創新策略」, 經濟情勢暨評論季刊 ,民國九十二年九月,頁1-2。
【3】 陳昭義,「2008 生技產業白皮書」,經濟部工業局,民國九十七年七月,頁IV-V。
【4】 吳明基、王雅各、傅偉祥、陳昭蓉、戴建丞、陳啟祥、王 芸、楊志浩,「2008 生技產業白皮書」,經濟部工業局,民國九十七年七月。
