  • 學位論文


Business Model and Development Strategy for Taiwan’s Biotech Companies

指導教授 : 陳俊忠


全球電子資通訊業由盛而衰,台灣積極尋求第二、三產業,生技產業深受矚目。但台灣生技產業若不能找出競爭優勢,有別於低利潤代工發展領域與商業模式,終究無法於全球生技舞台有關鍵影響力。 本論文從美國及中國產業趨勢及醫改政策影響,研究台灣生技產業之商業模式與發展策略。從對美國生技產業的研究發現大型供應商雖有能力全程包辦產業價值鏈,但基於資源效率、專利懸崖、及綑綁交易等原因, 商業模式已從一條龍模式變革為產業價值鏈分工模式,留下的產業價值鏈空缺,是台灣上游中小型創新產品研發、特色學名藥或具研發能量的專業CMO公司的商機。從對中國生技產業的研究發現,受限於外資在CFDA取證困難及本土保護主義、智財權管理寬鬆與通路潛規則等多項限制,台灣生技產業須透過與當地合作夥伴合作以開發商機。此外,台灣生技產業本身規模小,資源不足,不利於全球競爭,中國生技產業對內併購提高資源效率,對外併購達到技術創新的競爭佈局及發展格局,可為台灣企業學習與借鏡。 根據本論文的研究探討得出之結論與建議包括:汲取美國技術及發展商業模式,以病患為核心提供全方位整合解決方案,成為產業價值鏈上游供應商,扮演全球商業生態系統關鍵環節;掌握大陸新興市場急速發展需求,透過兩岸合作機制整合分工;借鏡標竿新興生技公司成功要素,選對領導人及經營團隊、定位正確商業模式成功進入全球產業價值鏈、精鍊產品價值鏈;推動跨業結盟形塑完整拼圖。希望能為台灣生技業者在未來進入國際市場的策略佈局有所助益。


Taiwan has targeted the biotech industry as a potential growth sector to take over from the declining electronics industry. However, a lack of competitiveness, due to low-cost OEM business models, means Taiwan has not been able to make any significant impact on the international stage. This thesis study primarily looks at biotech industry trends in the US and China to understand how their medical transformation policies have impacted the research and business models of Taiwan’s biotech vendors. In the US market, the largest suppliers with full industry value chain capabilities face a lack of sufficient resources, a patent cliff and bundled sales issues. This has led to a transformation in the US business model from a one-stop service to an industry value chain division model, so creating new business opportunities for Taiwan’s up- and mid-stream suppliers with regards to product innovation, specialty generics and research CMO. As for the China market, the key industry challenges include difficulties to obtain foreign investment approval from the CFDA, local protectionism, lax protection of Intellectual property rights, and complicated sales channel regulations. Taiwan’s biotech vendors thus need to collaborate with their local counterparts to do business in China. Moreover, Taiwan’s biotech vendors are typically small in scale and have sufficient resources, which is not conducive to competing globally. These enterprises can learn from China’s experience of using mergers and acquisitions to enhance their resource efficiency and technical innovation. The study’s conclusions and recommendations for Taiwan’s biotech industry are to adopt US expertise and its development business model; take a wider view of the global business ecosystem; monitor and understand the development needs of China’s emerging market; understand local protection measures; pursue cross-Strait collaboration and cooperation; expand biotech industry scope to become the upstream supplier in the industry value chain, participate in product innovation and research, and provide professional CMO services management for specialty generics and research.


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