  • 學位論文


A study on the effects of landscape plants and the leisure & recreation of a park upon the users-Jhongshan Park in Pingtung City as an example

指導教授 : 胡 文 品


本研究旨在分析休憩者對公園內之景觀設計、休憩器材、環境品質是否滿意,以屏東市中山公園為進行分析研究之地點,將對中山公園做整體評估與建議。 本研究以問卷調查法和文獻分析法為進行之方法,發放問卷以200份為主,有效問卷為193份,回收率為96.5%。交叉統計表中可看出,年齡層為三十到五十歲,幾乎所有的休憩活動都會參與,以運動健身為最多,其次為休息,大多數收入在20,000-60,000者,會到公園的各個地方去活動。如何吸引收入高與收入低的民眾,來公園進行休憩的活動,是值得思考的問題。 在研究者實地觀察研究後結果發現,中山公園之休憩器材與景觀植物都因修理與維護上的疏失,造成很多的危險因子潛伏其中,這是景觀設計者與為政者急需要努力維護與改善的地方。


This study aims to analyze whether the users satisfy the landscape design, recreational devices, equipments, and environmental quality in the park or not. Jhongshan Park in Pingtung City is the interested target of our investigation. According to the results, an overall assessment and suggestions will be proposed for the park management. This study is conducted mainly by the methods of questionnaire survey and literature analysis. Two hundreds questionnaires were sent and 193 valid questionnaires were returned, getting a response rate of 96.5%. The results from the cross-table statistics show that those people in the 30~50 age group do almost all kinds of activities in the park. In particularly, they mostly like to do exercises for their fitness, and the next activity is taking a rest. Among all income groups, those people with average monthly income between 20,000-60,000 NTD tend to visit every place in the park. How to attract both high and low income groups to go into the park for doing some activities is an issue worth being considered. Findings obtained form the field observation, which show that a number of risk factors existing in the park. The risk factors hidden in the recreational devices, equipments and landscape plants are caused by long-term negligence of repair and maintenance. We recommend to do immediate actions for renovating and improving these drawbacks.


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