  • 學位論文


A Study of Premature Discharge in taiwanese Conscript Soldiers with Mental Illness

指導教授 : 藍守仁


軍隊生活是一種特殊且封閉的團體生活型態,有其特殊的條件及背景因素。士官兵加入軍旅,被要求訓練成具有抗壓、耐受性強及調適力的軍人,但其中仍有部分官兵因為身心適應障礙、自我內在的欠缺彈性、外在壓力困擾,在服兵役的過程中產生憂鬱、焦慮及妄想、身體不適等等身心症狀,甚至自我傷害及自殺行為等,致使無法正常的繼續服兵役,因而必須停役離開軍隊。其相關的背景因素,如年齡、性別、學歷、家庭關係、過往精神疾病史、自我傷害史、自殺史、酒藥物濫用史等等,是兵役單位事先篩選適當人力,評估預測的重要指標。 本研究係以某國軍醫院,於2005年至2008年的四年期間,因精神疾病停役的軍士官為研究對象,以量性研究、病歷回顧方式,透過敘述性統計等統計分析方法,結果發現因精神疾病停役的疾病,以嚴重型憂鬱症(56.4%)、智能低下(18.7%)、人格違常(13.7%)及精神官能症(7.1%)為最多,總計達到所有精神疾病停役的95.9%。亦發現在停役個案中,有較高比例的過去自我傷害史、自殺史及藥物酒精濫用史。家庭結構不良、入伍前曾有自我傷害、自殺及酒精藥物濫用行為,以及入伍後發生自我傷害及自殺行為者,皆是發生精神疾病而停役的高危險因子。


Life in the military are disciplined and are mostly evolved around team work, however, such particular arrangement may be stifling for some who find difficulties in adjusting. Soldiers joining the army are often trained to obey, be flexible and to perform under pressure, however, some soldiers may mal-adjust to such rigid life style due to stress and inflexibility to cope, hence causing problems such as depression, anxiety, delusion or even to the extent of self-mutilation and suicide, which eventually needed to be discharged prematurely from the military. Thus, some background information such as age, gender, education, relationship with family members, whether candidates have history of mental illness, self-mutilation ,alcohol and drugs abuse are crucial indications and shall be thoroughly examined prior to the candidate selection process. This study has looked into conscript soldiers from a military hospital that were prematurely discharged from the time frame of 2004 to 2008. By using both chart review and descriptive analysis methods, it is to be concluded that 95.9% prematurely discharged soldiers were linked with mental illness, which revealed signs of major depression(56.4%), mental insufficiency(18.8%), personality disorder(13.6%) and neurosis(7.1%). The study also found out that there is a high probability that these prematurely discharged soldiers having past histories on self-mutilation, suicidal attempts, and alcohol or drugs abuses. The risk factors of mental disorder which result in prematurely discharged were found , they are poor family structure, pre-enlistment self mutilation, pre-enlistment suicidal attempt, history of substance abuse , post-enlistment self mutilation and post-enlistment suicidal attempt.


American Psychiatric Association(1994). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. 4th ed. (DSM-IV). Washington DC,.
