  • 學位論文


A study of integrating information technology into teaching and testing arithmetical operations of integer in junior high school

指導教授 : 郭伯臣 施淑娟


本研究目的是以國中一年級「整數四則運算」課程,建立一套以貝氏網路及知識結構為基礎的電腦適性診斷測驗,並研發數位教材之教學內容,教學內容配合現行課程分為「整數加減、整數乘除與四則運算」兩單元來進行教學成效評估。 研究之進行採用準實驗設計,將受試者分成實驗組及對照組進行團班教學,所研發之資訊融入的教材內容提供實驗組教師教學,並以電腦作第一次適性診斷測驗,測驗後再進行資訊融入補救教學及第二次和第三次電腦適性診斷測驗。 以三次施測後的成果評估資訊融入教學之教學成效,得到以下研究結果: 1. 在教學後的電腦化適性診斷測驗,二個單元平均可以節省9.80題及11.89題,適性診斷測驗預測精準度分別高達91.52%及91.67%。 2. 在補救教學後的電腦化適性診斷測驗,二個單元平均可以節省10.55題及12.90題,適性診斷測驗預測精準度分別高達95.02%及94.62%。 3. 在學後保留的電腦化適性診斷測驗,二個單元平均可以節省11.56題及13.17題,適性診斷測驗預測精準度高達95.31%及94.04%。 4. 就教學模式而言,實驗組學生的學習表現,經本研究實驗結果證實,在補救教學與學後保留上之成效皆優於對照組,且具有顯著差異。 5. 就能力分組表現而言,研究顯示實驗組的各能力組學生在「整數加減」單元之補救學習成效上,平均成績皆比傳統教學的對照組優異,且具有顯著差異。


The research is based on the unit “arithmetical operations of Integers” of the first grade in junior high school to develop digital teaching materials and computerized adaptive diagnostic test (CADT) grounded in Bayesian Network and knowledge structure theories for the evaluation of the teaching effects. The teaching content with the present course divides into two units -“Addition and Subtraction of Integers”, “Multiplication and Division and mathematical operations of Integers” to carry out the appraisal of teaching result. The research uses quasi-experimental design to divide the subjects into experimental group and control group. The experimental group teachers use digital teaching materials to proceed to the course. After the experimental group students take the first CADT, carries out the remedial teaching of integrating into information technology. Then have the experimental group students take the second and the third CADT. The results of the three tests are viewed as the evaluation of using information technology in teaching and learning. The results are as follows: 1. After taking experimental instruction, the number of items in two units administered by CADT is 24.20 and 18.11. There are 9.80 and 11.89 items to be economized. In addition, the prediction accuracy can reach 91.52% and 91.67%. 2. After taking remedial instruction, the number of items in two units administered by CADT is 23.45 and 17.10. There are 10.55 and 12.90 items to be economized. In addition, the prediction accuracy can reach 95.02% and 94.62%. 3. After taking learning retention instruction, the number of items in two units administered by CADT is 22.44 and 16.83. There are 11.56 and 13.17 items to be economized. In addition, the prediction accuracy can reach 95.31% and 94.04%. 4. For teaching and learning model, the study confirms that the learning performance of experimental group students is better than control group students in the effects of remedial teaching and retaining the post. The research has significant differences. 5. For ability grouped performance, the study shows that the experimental group students of remedial teaching of addition and subtraction of integer effects in average scores are better than the control group students of traditional teaching. The research has significant differences. Keywords: addition and subtraction of integers, multiplication and division of integers, arithmetical operations of integers, Bayesian Network, Computerized Adaptive Diagnostic Test(CADT), information technology into teaching, learning retention




王柏山、陳慧如、邱靖惠、陳詩靖(2008)。應用貝氏網路進行國中地理「台灣天氣與氣候」單元之診斷測驗編製與補救教學設計。論文發表於國立台中教育大學教育測驗統計研究所舉辦之「第四屆台灣數位學習發展研究會 TWELF 2008」學術研討會,國立台中教育大學。
吳玫君、施淑娟、許天維、陳淑勤(2008)。國小五年級數學領域概數與估算單元數位元個別指導模式之研發。論文發表於國立台中教育大學教育測驗統計研究所舉辦之「第四屆臺灣數位學習發展研究會 TWELF 2008」學術研討會,國立台中教育大學。


